A Day at the Races

Free A Day at the Races by Keith Armstrong

Book: A Day at the Races by Keith Armstrong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith Armstrong
Tags: General Fiction
say at the outset, if it makes you feel uncomfortable and you are not interested, then feel free to say no, there will be no recrimination and we will not discuss this again.
    What I am proposing to do in a nutshell is, to produce some counterfeit fifty pound notes.”
    They both looked stunned, staring first at Mike and then one another.
    “Bloody hell Mike, that’s a conversation stopper.” Said Derek
    “I know and I don’t expect you to say yes without knowing what’s involved, I will elaborate if you want me to.”
    They both looked at one another, and eventually nodded.
    “I know there are a lot of well meaning people, and Brenda and I are blown away with the enthusiasm and generosity of all of the committee members behind the fund. However I have to be realistic about the amount that is needed, and the time scale involved.
    If six months down the road the fund is short, Rachel will not have time on her side. She is the only reason I am prepared to embark on this, there is no desire for greed or anything like that. You know my views on people who steal and break the law, I have never done anything like this in my life, Brenda will kill me if she ever finds out, but I have looked at all other avenues to raise the money and this is the only way it can be done.”
    Derek looked at his brother and then at Mike.
    “Jesus Mike, I never would have thought I would hear you come out with anything like this, I can only assume you must have been under an awful lot of pressure to think of doing this.”
    “I agree.” Said Tony.
    “Look both Brenda and I have been at our wits end for months as to what to do, we just can’t sit on the fence any more, it’s crunch time. Seeing Rachel coughing up blood and in so much distress was just too much for me to accept any more. I have to do more for her…. to help save her life.
    It’s possible the fund will be able to raise the money, although I have my doubts, this is a safeguard or backup protection if you will.
    If at the last minute the fund reaches its target, then we hold off distributing the money and just destroy it, and if it doesn’t then it’s there to fall back on.”
    “It’s difficult to get my head around this Mike, I know you need our help, otherwise you wouldn’t have put your trust in us. Do you honestly think you can get away with it?”
    “Yes if we do it right and follow strict guidelines, we can.”
    Mike proceeded then to outline the plan, of how to hit the various race meetings on Boxing Day.
    Just then his phone rang.
    “Hello Mike there is a rep here from Harrison Graphics, he has some samples for you and just wants a quick word, can I send him up to your office?”
    “No Susie I will come down, just ask him to wait in reception, I will be down in a couple of minutes.”
    Mike stood up and walked across to the door.
    “Just talk it over between yourselves, I need to speak with this guy in reception and I will be back shortly.”
    The two brothers couldn’t believe what they had just heard, they had know Mike for years and he was a pillar of the community and this was not him.
    “Look Tony he is asking for our help, he has always been there for us and god knows there have been numerous occasions when he has helped us.”
    “I know that, did you see the way his lip was trembling when he asked us? God I feel so sorry for him.”
    Derek got up and walked around the room.
    “Look Tony if we don’t help him, he will probably have to call the whole thing off, and think how you would feel if Rachel died as a result, and like he says if they manage to raise the money with the fund down at the Old Duke then he wont need to distribute the notes. We should help him, he needs it and if the situation was reversed, I don’t think he would hesitate to help us.”
    Tony agreed.
    Just then Mike returned to his office.
    “We have talked it over Mike, and Tony and I will help you in whatever way we can.”
    “That’s a relief.”
    “Firstly how do you

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