Natural Attraction

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Book: Natural Attraction by C L Green, Maria Itina Read Free Book Online
Authors: C L Green, Maria Itina
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction
confirms her as a true beauty who requires no product assistance to look stunning.  Do gorgeous people sprout out of the ground around here?
    Clearly I live in the wrong area code.
    The rear seat of the car is occupied by another attractive, middle-aged woman with spotlessly presented honey blonde hair.  It is cut short to sit just above her shoulders.  She is sporting a splash of make-up around her light brown eyes and a big friendly smile that makes you want to walk over and strike up a cheerful conversation with her.
    I swing my gaze back to Jax to see him looking at his feet, still shaking his head.  He looks anything but happy. 
    What could be so bad about his mum visiting?
    I see him blow out a huge breath and still looking at the ground he reaches up to his eyes and t akes his sunglasses off.  He does this with one hand while he starts scrubbing over his eyes and forehead with the other, stress emanating from his every movement. 
    It is then that he tilts his head sideways to peek at me from under his brows and the next shock of the day hits me. 
    Another set of crystal blue eyes framed by the longest, softest looking eyelashes I’ve ever seen on a man.
    Jesus, could this guy be any better looking?   Those eyes are almost illegal they are so beautiful.   At least I can confirm that that is his mum driving the car.  I blink, mesmerized, unable to take my eyes off his. 
    I vaguely hear the big engine rumble to silence and two car doors squeaking open.  With a surge of willpower I didn’t know I had, I drag my eyes away from Jax’s and swing back to the beautiful car.  I see the three women, all dressed in tracksuit pants, t-shirts and running shoes exiting the car. 
    Without a word, they all silently bend back down to the car and reemerge loaded to the hilt with shopping bags packed with groceries and cleaning buckets full of cleaning products. 
    Is this Jax’s personal cleaning and grocery delivery team?
    I then hear the deep rumble of Jax’ss voice saying, “Hello Ma,” as he strides towards the elderly woman and bends to give her a peck on the cheek.  “How long you had this one?”
    “We picked it up yesterday, what d o you think?  It's gorgeous isn’t it?” His mum announces cheerfully. 
    “Your father saw it on some website somewhere and bought it for me to try to heal the loss of writing off the Camaro in Melbourne last week.”
    I hear Jax muttering, “Jesus, Ma.  A Gran Torino.  Could you have found anything less powerful and overstated?”
    I process the information that this short, elderly, gray haired woman has a perm. She has a perm and wrote a Camaro off last week.  She then bought a Gran Torino this week.  This can mean only one thing. 
    She is the coolest mum, ever!
    I wish she was my mum! 
    I can’t help myself, my feet unfreeze from the ground and I semi-jog over to get a closer look at the Gran Torino’s interior.
    “This has to be the coolest car I have ever seen,” I announce to no one in particular.   I then continue to cast my eyes lovingly over the car.
    Not even hesitating, Jax’s mum turns towards me with her gorgeous blue eyes flashing mischief and her dimples popping. 
    She throws her hand towards me and announces loudly, “Now that’s more like the greeting I would have expected from my son on seeing my fantabulous new car.  My name is Rowena Walker but you can call me Ro.  Who my pretty little dear, are you?”
    I reach out to gently shake her offered hand. 
    “Ashleigh Thompson, it’s nice to meet you and your fantabulous car.  I’ve never seen one of these in real life.  I am impressed, almost beyond belief.”
    “Why hello Ashleigh.   What a lovely name and thank you for your appreciation of my new car.  But once again, I ask, who are you? ”
    What did she expect me to say to that?  
    I just told her my name, what else did she need to know?  Perhaps she wants my date of birth and place of employment?

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