The Captain's Mysterious Lady

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Book: The Captain's Mysterious Lady by Mary Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Nichols
‘Our cousin has been trying to persuade us to move out of here into the Lodge. He calls it the dower house.’
    â€˜He may call it what he likes,’ Matilda said hotly. ‘We are not dowagers and he cannot treat us as if we were. He has no right to dictate to us. The Manor is ours unentailed, whatever he might think or say.’
    â€˜Now, now, Tilly,’ her sister admonished. ‘The Captain does not want to hear of our troubles.’
    That they had troubles was news to Amy. She had met Sir Gerald Hardwick once, soon after the accident. He called to see how she did, which she thought very civil of him, but he had had no patience with her loss of memory and thought browbeating her would restore it in no time. Aunt Harriet had sent him on his way, saying, ‘Amy will make a full recovery, no doubt of it, so you may take your rapacious self back to Ely.’ Amy had thought that was somewhat harsh, but her aunt said he deserved it, a statement she had been obliged to accept, knowing nothing of what had gone before.
    James bowed. ‘I would not wish to cause dissent between you and your relation,’ he said. ‘I can look else where.’
    â€˜Indeed you will not,’ Harriet told him. ‘You will be doing us a good turn if you move into the house.’
    â€˜Then I accept your kind offer. If there is anything I can do to be of assistance, then please tell me.’ He looked from one to the other, wondering if they might satisfy his curiosity, but all the reply he received was a chorused, ‘Thank you.’
    â€˜You should see the house first,’ Matilda said. ‘It maynot be to your liking. Amy will take you, it is but a stone’s throw away.’
    â€˜Of course,’ Amy said. ‘Shall we go now? Your horse will be looked after until we return.’
    He agreed and waited while she hurried up to her room to change out of her habit into something more suitable for walking.
    â€˜I collect you have not told Amy the real reason for your visit?’ Harriet said, as soon as she was out of earshot.
    â€˜No, she has accepted me as a friend of the family. I do not want to spoil that. If you think I should…’
    â€˜No, no,’ Harriet said quickly. ‘You must work in your own way. I only asked so that we might know how to go on. It is important that we are in accord.’ She paused before going on. ‘Have you learned anything today?’
    â€˜Very little. She is, I believe, coming to remember her child hood here and that is a start, but any questions about her life in London draw a blank. I think something must have happened there before she ever boarded that coach.’
    â€˜Our view exactly,’ Matilda said. ‘But we are fearful of what might happen if she were to return there. We have discouraged her from attempting it.’
    â€˜I think you are right. Until we know the truth of it ourselves, she is best here being looked after by your good selves.’
    â€˜How are we to find out? We never travel to London.’
    â€˜I shall send my man back to the capital to fetch things I need. We rode here, not expecting to stay above a day or two, and I have but one change of clothes. I shall instruct him, while he is there, to try and find out who this Mr Billings was and what happened at the house. And if there is any news of Mr Macdonald.’
    â€˜He is trustworthy?’
    â€˜I would trust him with my life, madam. And he knows how to keep his tongue between his teeth. You need have no fear.’
    â€˜Good.’ She paused as foot steps sounded on the stairs. ‘Here comes Amy. I think we will not say anything about your man for the moment.’
    â€˜Very well.’
    He rose to his feet as Amy came into the room, dressed in a cool muslin gown with a light shawl thrown about her shoulders. Her cottager hat was tied on with a ribbon beneath her chin. ‘I am ready,’ she said.
    They set off on foot,

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