The Captain's Mysterious Lady

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Book: The Captain's Mysterious Lady by Mary Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Nichols
crossing the draw bridge and turning away from the drive and the main entrance to go across a green sward and taking a path through a small copse. ‘The trees were planted by one of my ancestors to protect the Manor from the prevailing east wind,’ she told him. ‘It can go right through you in the winter.’
    â€˜That I can imagine,’ he said with a laugh. ‘There is very little between here and the Arctic to stop it.’
    â€˜Perhaps that is why fen folk are so hardy,’ she said. ‘This path leads to a back entrance to the grounds, which is where the Lodge stands. See, there it is.’ They had come out of the trees and she pointed to a squat red-brick house, two storeys high, with a door in the centre of the façade and windows either side. It was neatly thatched. Beyond it were tall gates set in the wall surrounding the estate, on the other side of which was a lane. ‘It guards the Manor, just as the tower guards it on the other side. I am sure it was intended to with stand a siege.’
    â€˜Has there ever been a siege?’ he asked.
    â€˜I do not know. Perhaps in the past there might have been, perhaps in the struggle between King Charles and Parliament.’
    â€˜This was strong Cromwell country, I believe.’
    â€˜Yes, but I have been told the Hardwicks were loyal to the king.’ She took the key Harriet had given her from her pocket and unlocked the front door.
    â€˜Ah, then they would need strong defences.’
    They stepped inside and looked about them. They were in a small hall with doors to right and left and an oak staircase going up from the middle. ‘It is the first time I have been in here since the accident,’ she said. ‘It smells musty from being shut up and no one living here. If we open the windows, I am sure it will clear it.’
    â€˜How long has it been standing empty?’
    â€˜I do not know, nor why. Shall we explore?’
    They wandered from room to room, flinging open windows just like a young couple looking for a first home, Amy thought, and smiled at her fancies. She was married and had a home, even if she could remember neither husband nor house. How did Duncan compare with the man who walked beside her? Was he as hand some, as for bearing, as amiable? Did he make her laugh? Realising her escort was speaking, she shook her foolish thoughts from her. ‘I beg your pardon, I was daydreaming.’
    â€˜No, wishing I could. What was it you said?’
    â€˜I was saying I would need furniture. There is very little here.’
    â€˜Yes, I had not realised that. No doubt my aunts thought it unwise to leave sofas and soft furnishings in place for fear of them going mouldy. I am sure it can be remedied.’
    â€˜Of course. A visit to the shops to buy what I need will soon have it comfortable.’
    What hard furniture there was, like a few tables and chairs, cup boards and shelves, was in good condition, though thick with dust. ‘I think a cleaning woman must be your first concern,’ she said, running her finger alongthe banister as they made their way upstairs. ‘I have no doubt Aunt Harriet will know of someone.’
    There were five rooms on the upper floor, all half-furnished. They looked in each and he decided which one he would take and which Sam could have. ‘I shall need a cook-house keeper to live in,’ he said. ‘But cleaning and laundry women can come in daily.’
    She went to the window of the main bedroom and flung it open. ‘Come and see,’ she said. ‘The view from here is better than I imagined it would be.’
    The window was not large and they stood very close together, so close she could feel his warmth. It gave her a feeling of being protected, as if he would always stand at her side and keep her safe. It was a strange sensation and she came to the conclusion she was remembering that bareback ride cradled in his arms.

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