Mistress of the Storm

Free Mistress of the Storm by Terri Brisbin

Book: Mistress of the Storm by Terri Brisbin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Brisbin
Tags: Romance
    “Ornolf follows a day or two behind, Gunna,” Duncan said, calling her the name he always used. “Worry not over the room.”
    “And who is this?” Gunna asked, as he’d known she would. He’d turned back to help Isabel from the horse and did not answer until she was on her feet and not wobbling.
    “This is my guest Isabel,” he said once more, making it clear that no one would treat her otherwise. “She will be staying for a few weeks.”
    Gunna did not hide her surprise. Her gasp was heard by the others in the yard. Though they would not dare to express it, she had no fear of showing her reaction. Duncan did not think she understood what Isabel was, but Harald did, as did the other men who stood by listening and watching.
    Harald walked over and put his arm around his sister’s shoulders, drawing her close to him. She said, “I meant no disrespect, Duncan. ’Tis just not your habit to bring guests with you.”
    Gunna understood more than he’d hoped she would.
    “Isabel, come, let me make you welcome in Duncan’s home.” Gunna held her hand out.
    Duncan turned to watch Isabel. Once more, after gaining his nod of permission, she obeyed, following Gunna into the house. Once they were gone, Duncan untied the sacks from the saddle and started to follow them.
    Harald stepped in front of him. “You bring her here, Duncan? Is that wise? The full moon approaches.”
    “I had no choice. She is involved in some way I do not yet understand.”
    “Has she told you something?”
    “Nay.” Duncan stared at the closed door. “But I will have weeks to find out what she does know.”
    Or what she is .
    “She is an outsider. ’Tis too dangerous to have her here now,” Harald warned, stepping closer so no one else could hear his words. “I cannot allow her to witness the ritual.”
    Davin had selected Harald for his trustworthiness and dependability. And his complete and utter devotion to Duncan for saving his sister’s life.
    “We will observe her and decide if she is a threat,” Duncan offered.
    “She is a threat,” Harald replied, stepping out of Duncan’s path. “I just do not understand why you want her here. Other than the obvious charms she offers.”
    “I have decided to bring one woman with me to see to my needs during this time. Who better than a woman who makes her living on her back?”
    Harald remained silent, not arguing or offering his opinion and Duncan worried over the trouble that could signal. They reached the door, but Harald remained there, not entering. “What about Gunna?”
    “Gunna will be who she is, Harald. She will try to adopt another lost soul and care for her.”
    “Is that what the woman is then? A lost and wounded soul who needs you to heal her, and Gunna to nurse her back to life?”
    Duncan reeled back from that revelation. Was that it? Did the healer within him recognize the need in her to be healed? He’d noticed it happening more and more as the months passed—his healing abilities leaking into the days between the ritual, which always occurred when the moon reached its fullness. Did his power simply want to heal whatever was broken within her?
    Relieved somehow at that explanation, he lifted the latch of the door and stepped inside. It was the main building on the farm and where his private chamber was located. The others slept elsewhere but the cooking and eating were done there. The house was not like others on most farms, for Duncan had designed it according to his needs and not the usual ones of a farmstead. He ducked his head as he entered and found Isabel sitting at the table while Gunna put food before her. A place had been prepared for him as well.
    No matter the time of day, Gunna had something cooking in the pot over the fire. Porridge in the morning and a stew throughout the day. Anyone stopping there would be given a hearty meal before they continued on their journey. Her task in life was to collect and care for those in need and she relished

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