The Price of Falling

Free The Price of Falling by Melanie Tushmore

Book: The Price of Falling by Melanie Tushmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Tushmore
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
second hand pot smoke. My head was pounding, or was that the music? I tried to listen when Jason spoke, but the music was drowning things out. I pretended I was paying attention to Cat and Bex, even AJ, but really I was concentrating on what the occupants of the couch were doing.
    I wasn’t sure how long I could cope with the smoke, my eyes were watering slightly. I had to discreetly wipe at them. I refused to give up, I’d come this far.
    The girl who was sitting on Jason got up and left, which just left room for another girl to move in. I had no idea he was into girls, I realized numbly.
    Strangely, it didn’t sway me. Maybe I was too thick headed for my own good.
    Eventually, at last, Jason got up. Unsteady on his feet and helped up by another guy, he weaved his way past the people sitting on the floor to leave the room. As I watched I saw him turn his head to look directly at me.
    My heart resumed its frantic pounding. He wants me to follow him, I thought. Probably not discreetly at all, I excused myself from Cat and Bex, saying I was going to the restroom.
    I thought I heard a snort of laughter from AJ, but chose to ignore it. I got up onto my feet, a little wobbly and with a dead leg, but determined to find Jason.
    When I entered the hallway I was worried I had lost him already, but his long hair caught my eye as he disappeared at the other end. Blindly, I followed him, navigating my way around people.
    ‘Hey, there’s a jock here,’ I heard a female voice exclaim with a laugh.
    I ignored it and turned out of the hall. I was back in the entrance of the house. I glanced to the side; at the bottom of the stairs there was a couple sitting there making out. The girl had spilled her drink all over the carpet, totally oblivious. This was why I never had parties at home, my Mom would freak out if any of my friends made a mess.
    All thoughts disappeared from my mind as I saw further up the stairs that familiar mane of red as Jason ascended. I deftly stepped over the couple, not that they noticed me, and followed him.
    The music seemed a distant sound now compared to the loud thud of my heartbeat. I reached the top of the stairs and looked around.
    What are you doing? I thought, eyes catching another couple of stoned-looking kids by a bedroom door. People are gonna notice this...
    Upstairs was a typical party scene, an open restroom door with a kid leaning into the toilet heaving, some of his friends hanging around laughing, or holding his hair back. The doors which must have been bedrooms were all shut. I thought for a moment I could hear muffled noises coming from them, but that might have been my imagination.
    Jason had stopped and turned to face me as I neared him. He looked pretty stoned and was smiling, but it was that sly look again. It made me hesitate but he beckoned me closer with his finger. This simple action sent a pleasurable shudder down my body.
    He waited until I was standing in front of him before he spoke softly. ‘What are you doing?’
    I hadn't been expecting that, and could only answer with a surprised, ‘Huh?’
    Jason's eyelids looked droopy but he was obviously playing with me as he said, ‘I'm just waiting for the restroom. What are you doing?’
    That implication stung and I found myself frowning at him. ‘No, you're not,’ I argued, although my voice betrayed me by wavering slightly.
    ‘Oh, I'm not?’ Jason looked like he was enjoying this. ‘What am I doing then?’
    You're teasing me, I wanted to say, but I was distracted by a bedroom door opening and a couple emerging from the dark. They were grinning ear to ear, and after glancing at us edged past to re-join the party downstairs.
    When I looked back at Jason I saw his smile slide into a smirk as he turned away from me. He stepped into the dark room and I found myself pulled like a magnet after him.
    He's only gonna tease you again, I told myself as I followed him in. This must have been his friend Steven's room; from the light of the

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