Uncaged Love

Free Uncaged Love by JJ Knight

Book: Uncaged Love by JJ Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Knight
    “And not in a good way,” the other one said.
    Zero was crazy uncomfortable and tried to move past.
    “Hey, introduce us to your friend!” one said. “He looks like he’s coming along.”
    And that’s when I got it.
    Zero grabbed my arm and dragged us away. “Jo, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you.”
    I didn’t particularly care that he was a boy, but me? “Did they really think I was a—guy?”
    “That was a really stupid assumption. They just saw me. They know I’m usually gender norm. They jumped to a conclusion.”
    God. I wanted to dissolve into the sidewalk.
    We stopped and he stepped in front to face me. “You are beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.”
    My chest hurt. “Is that—is that why you said you wanted to be me that day? Because I’m a girl?”
    Zero shook his head. “No. I said that because you are so strong. I want to be as strong as you.”
    I didn’t believe that either. But after that, we saw each other on other days, when Zero was dressed like a guy. Sundays he likes to come down slowly from his big Saturday night shows before going back to male clothes.
    Zero taps my arm. “Still with us, Jo?” His dress sparkles with every movement.
    I lean back in my chair. “Today was bad.”
    “What did Golden Boy do?”
    “It’s the girlfriend. Apparently she’s caught him with other gym girls.” I cover my eyes, as if I could hide behind my hands. “I was stupid. He must do this all the time.”
    “Now wait just a minute,” Zero says. He stands and paces the room with a glamorous stride. “Did he or did he not save you from those boys?”
    “And did he get you that job?”
    “Well, yeah.”
    “Has he come on to you in any way?”
    I think about this. Pretty much all our crashing connections were my fault. Well, until he swooped me up in the ring. “I think he was going to kiss me.”
    “Did you want him to?”
    I hesitate. “Yes.”
    Zero stops his pacing. “Do you know how far you’ve come?”
    He pulls up a rickety folding chair and sits opposite me. His face is earnest even under all that glitter and paint. “He’s been good for you. You can see now what a guy can be like.”
    “It’s not exactly turning out well.”
    “It ain’t over till the bimbo gets a diamond.” He stands up in a whoosh. “I only have half an hour to get you ready.”
    “Oh, no. I can’t.”
    “It’s a celebrity fund-raiser. Going to be fan-tab.”
    “Not feeling it.”
    Zero raises his arched eyebrows. “Will it change your mind if I tell you a certain golden-haired fighter boy is on the guest list?”
    I jump from the chair. “What?”
    “Yes, indeed. Colt McClure will be in attendance to witness my glory.”
    My heart hammers. “But then Brittany will be there too.”
    “But he’s only going to have eyes for you.”
    “I don’t have clothes. And you know I don’t do makeup.”
    “Yes, yes, you’ve mentioned that silly play disaster a dozen times.” He hops up and retrieves his bag. “Those elementary school hacks were not me. I’m an expert.”
    I back away. “This is probably your worst idea ever.”
    “Well, Colt was really just my trump card. The real thing is that I need you.” Zero pouts. It’s hard for me to even see the boy I know beneath the makeup. “That horrid Angel Wild is going to be there.”
    “Is he following you?” Angel has a thing for Zero. He loves to say they are perfect from A to Z. The thought of it makes me totally forget that I’m upset. I want to giggle just imagining the six-foot Angel trying to be all delicate and flirty with Zero.
    Zero plunks down on the sofa. “No laughing. He signs up for every show I do.”
    I try to sober up. This definitely makes my awful afternoon seem less horrifying. “How am I supposed to help?”
    “Just be my arm candy.” He tries to smile winningly.
    I’m slowly figuring out what he means. “Oh, no!”
    He holds up the bag. “It’s perfect.

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