Out of the Dungeon
almost screamed her relief, bucking on the bench, fists clenched,
eyes squeezed shut, her intense pleasure broadcast throughout the
club in surround sound. Suede kept fucking her with her fingers,
until Vanessa was nearly out of her mind, and then Suede pinched
Van's clit and said, "Come for me, baby," and Vanessa lost track of
time and place as she came beneath Suede's hands.
    The orgasm seemed to roll over and through
her forever. She was panting and gasping, and she'd thrashed the
blindfold off. Vanessa opened her eyes to see Suede watching her,
one cocky eyebrow raised as she said, "So, was it good for
    The audience laughed, and Vanessa became
aware of them again, and aware that she was naked, and that they
had watched it all.
    She turned her head away, overwhelmed with a
need to hide.
    And then Roman was there, helping her sit up,
wrapping a blanket around her, and lifting her into his arms, all
without a word. He cradle-carried her off the stage, past the bar,
and down the stairs to the dungeon. He brought her to the couch and
held her on his lap, magically producing a bottle of cold
    The water felt perfect in her mouth and
sliding down her throat, but when it reached her stomach she
started shivering and couldn't stop.
    Roman held her tighter then, letting his chin
rest on the top of her head, and rocking her a little. The lights
were low and the dungeon was quiet. Roman's body was warm and
solid. Safe. Vanessa closed her eyes and let herself drift
    Maybe a few minutes passed, maybe as much as
an hour, when Vanessa became aware that Roman was crying. His chin
still rested on her head, and when she raised a hand to stroke his
cheek, she felt the wetness of tears.
    "Sorry," he whispered.
    "Nothing to be sorry for," she whispered
back, not wanting to disturb the peace they'd found in the dungeon.
"It's been a rough day."
    More time passed. Vanessa wondered where
Suede was. Jeff had told Vanessa many times that aftercare could be
the best part of a heavy scene, how beloved he felt under Roman's
care when Jeff was coming down from prolonged intensity. Shouldn't
Suede be taking care of her now? The TLC was supposed to be part of
the bond, the trust. It was practically touted as the payoff for
the pain. Why would Suede leave that part for someone else?
    Not that Vanessa would complain about Roman's
care. She didn't know how she could possibly feel more safe and
protected than in the dungeon master's arms. But she was still a
little disappointed that Suede didn't take care of her, hadn't even
checked in to make sure she was all right.
    She suddenly felt restless, and somehow Roman
knew it.
    "Whenever you're ready to go back upstairs is
fine with me," he said. "I'll send Dare a text and have him bring
your clothes down."
    Vanessa felt herself go pink. Her clothes had
been left on the stage. Yikes.
    "Thank you for getting me out of there," she
said. "It was stunning to notice the audience again."
    He laughed. "Yes, it is. Even as a Top, I
sometimes forget about the audience. It's an adjustment to come out
of an altered state of mind and realize a bunch of people witnessed
the whole scene. Even if the whole point is to entertain them."
    "What happens now?"
    "We go back upstairs. People tell you how
lovely you were, you try to accept the compliment and not be
    "I am embarrassed."
    "Yes, but no one intends you to feel that
way. You were a very lovely bottom. And you have a very lovely
bottom." She could hear the laughter in his voice. Double entendre.
"Some of them will feel like they own a piece of you, that they've
now become intimate participants. Don't be shy about setting
boundaries if you find it's necessary. A very clear, 'Please don't
touch me,' usually works."
    Vanessa groaned. "Sounds icky."
    "It only gets icky if you don't stand up for
    "All right. I'd better get up there, before I
think about it more and decide to slip out the back."
    Dare brought Vanessa's clothes down

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