The Debra Dilemma (The Lone Stars Book 4)

Free The Debra Dilemma (The Lone Stars Book 4) by Katie Graykowski

Book: The Debra Dilemma (The Lone Stars Book 4) by Katie Graykowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Graykowski
Tags: General Fiction
Sweat beaded under her arms. A simple lunch with her new girl friend. The underside of her boobs turned sweaty. For the love of God, she was about to go all panic attack over soup and a salad. She picked up the menu and fanned herself. This was going to be a disaster.
    Five minutes later, Summer breezed in holding a blonde fairy princess in her arms. Well, Debra was pretty sure she was a fairy princess based on the pink flame retardant Halloween costume and the wings on the child’s back. The gold spiked heels falling off the little girl’s feet were hilarious and looked to be Christian Louboutin.
    “So sorry we’re late.” She nodded to the little girl. “This is Julia.”
    Debra stood and smiled at the little girl. “Nice shoes.”
    “Sank you berry much.” Julia grinned and her curly pigtails bobbed.
    “Clint bought those for her.” Summer rolled her eyes.
    “Aren’t they a little big?” Debra noticed that one shoe was hanging by a toe, so she slid it back on the girl’s foot.
    “That’s what I said. All he said was that she wanted them so she got them.” Summer scanned the restaurant and Debra assumed she was looking for a highchair. She spotted one on the back wall by the piano, walked over to it, picked it up, and placed it by Summer’s chair.
    “Thank you so much.” She positioned Julia in the highchair and then sighed heavily as she sat down. “I’m so sorry we were late. Julia insisted on wearing her fairy princess dress and high heels and she wouldn’t leave the house until I painted her fingernails.”
    Julia held up her fingers for Debra to see.
    “She’s a little high maintenance. I blame her father who is very high maintenance.” Summer grinned.
    “I love pink glitter nail polish.” Debra shucked off her gold flats and stuck her feet out from under the table. She wriggled her toes.
    Julia laughed and clapped her hands and then held her arms out to Debra. “Kiss.”
    Debra leaned down and planted a loud, smacking kiss on Julia’s lips. This little girl was just about the cutest thing in the world.
    “It’s official, you are now her most favorite person. Clint will be so sad to have been usurped.” Summer hung her purse on her the back of her chair. She sighed heavily again and relaxed back in her chair. “I’m so glad to see you. I’ve had a very long morning.”
    “What happened?” Debra had never seen Summer anything but composed. Now, her shirt was buttoned wrong and her hair was flying out of its ponytail holder.
    “Today is a school in service day so I was supposed to spend the morning cleaning my room and the afternoon in training, but Clint is sick and can’t watch Julia so I’ve been babying him and trying to keep her out of the bed with daddy. My principal is on me about missing the training, soooooo…long day.” Summer looked exhausted.
    “Why don’t I watch Madam Julia this afternoon while you go to the training?” It would be fun. They could play dress up and have a tea party.
    Summer arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” She glanced at her daughter. “I love her to death, but she can be a handful.”
    “I’d love it. I don’t have to go into work until nine tonight so I have plenty of time.” For some reason, she really wanted this…needed this.
    “Okay. You’re a lifesaver.” Summer nodded and all of the tension seeped out of her. “I’m buying lunch.”
    A lifesaver. She ‘d never been anyone’s lifesaver. Her soul smiled.
    “Okay. It’s a deal. I get to spend the afternoon with the most stylish fairy princess in the world and you pay for lunch.” Debra was excited…actually excited that Summer was letting her babysit. Summer trusted her with her most precious baby girl. Debra fairly radiated with purpose.
    Three hours later, Debra was exhausted, but very happy. They’d been to Zilker Park and had ridden the train and then spent an energetic hour at the playground. Now, they were trying on cocktail dresses in Debra’s closet, getting

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