Crest (Book #2,Swift Series)

Free Crest (Book #2,Swift Series) by Heather London

Book: Crest (Book #2,Swift Series) by Heather London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather London
that moment, I knew this was really happening. That I was really going to London to meet my long-lost aunt, who was also a witch and who may not be as loving and caring as the aunt I was walking away from.
    When I was seated and buckled in, I leaned my head back and focused on my plan, trying to think positive thoughts. This wasn’t only a crazy, desperate choice I had made in going to London… this was my only choice. My entire plan rested on whether or not my aunt would help me. From what Ms. Donaldson had told me, it made me nervous. I was worried that she would turn me away and not even hear me out. It was hard to face that this was it. If for some reason this plan didn’t work, I didn’t have a plan B.

    Overall, the flight wasn’t as bad as I had expected. The in-flight movie helped pass the time and keep my mind off what I would have to do when I landed. As I fought my way through the crowd towards the baggage claim in the Heathrow Airport, I took a deep breath in and blew it out, hoping to ease the anxiety that was lingering in me. This was, by far, the craziest thing I had ever done and I had to admit that my nerves were on edge… actually that wouldn’t even come close to describing how I was feeling right now. My stomach was such a mess on the last few hours of the flight that I could hardly eat the food the flight attendant placed in front of me.
    From what I had found on the internet before I left my house, the address Ms. Donaldson had given me was only a short cab ride from the airport. My nerves were high as I looked out the window of the cab and saw the vision of the large, unfamiliar city of London flash before me. If I had said that it was overwhelming, that would’ve been the understatement of the year. The expansive city was a far cry from the small town of Marblehead. My heart hammered against my chest and I wondered, now more than ever, if I had made the right choice in coming here.
    After the shortest twenty minutes of my life, the cab pulled up to a two story, Tudor-style home. The white stone house was covered with ivy that grew all the way up to the grey, slate roof. I sat there staring at it, motionless—not able to take my eyes off of it. The doubt in my decision of coming here was at its peak. Was this the right choice? Or should I have found another way to contact the council? Or maybe I should’ve just stayed in Marblehead and waited for the Harpers to come for me?
    “Miss, we’re here. This is the address you gave me.” The cab driver’s voice was impatient as he craned his neck to look at me.
    “Oh, sorry.” I pulled out my credit card and handed it over to him.
    “Enjoy your time in London,” he said robotically as he handed me my receipt.
    “Thanks.” I got out of the cab and pulled my suitcase out after me.
    He drove off and I stood there in the middle of the street, feeling like a complete fool. I was too scared to turn around and face the house, let alone walk towards it. Come on, Meredith. You can do this. This should be simple compared to what you’ve gone through over the last few weeks. This doesn’t even come close to crossing time, fighting off dark magic, or being separated from the ones you love. This should be a piece of cake. Somehow, without even knowing it, my courage took over my frantic mind and I found myself standing at the door, knocking.
    A few moments passed with no answer. It wouldn’t be the most disappointing thing in the world if she didn’t answer , I thought to myself. It would give me a reason to not have to face her, without me chickening out. I glanced around and noticed the manicured flower bed to my right and a small gnome statue on my left. It was still hard to believe that this was my mother’s house growing up. Just knowing that made me feel a little more at ease because, without even trying, I could sense the energy from within the house. It was a powerful feeling, one that I had never felt before.
    Then I heard a muffled

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