Shadow of the Gallows

Free Shadow of the Gallows by Steven Grey

Book: Shadow of the Gallows by Steven Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Grey
    Chadwin came out from behind the bar to join him and Cobb. ‘It was both their faults, Marshal. The farmers have been in here nearly all afternoon, drinking and getting angry and stupid. Then these cowboys came in and started a slanging match.’
    ‘Which soon got out of hand,’ another man added. ‘Still it was a good fight while it lasted.’
    ‘Who’s that hurt over there?’ Cobb indicated the young man lying motionless by the bar. He went over to him and turned him on his side.
    ‘It’s Martin Warren,’ Jackson told him.
    ‘He tried to stop his brothers getting involved and got hit from behind for his trouble.’
    ‘Not by either of his brothers?’ Jackson asked.
    ‘Oh no. It was one of the cowboys, but I didn’t see which one. Peter and David are over there. You,’ Chadwin nodded at Cobb, ‘hit Peter and knocked him out while David foolishly tried to take on two of the cowboys. He’s the one with the blackening eye and a cut lip. Serves him right. It was him flung the first punch that started it all.’
    ‘It looks like Martin is the only one badly hurt,’ Jackson said, after glancing round at the rest of the young men. ‘The others are suffering nothing but cuts and bruises. Best get the doctor to see to him.’
    A man ran out of the saloon to do his bidding.
    ‘What the hell are you going to do with ’em all?’ Chadwin asked. ‘Look at my place. They want locking up.’
    ‘Aw, hell,’ one of the few cowboys still standing moaned. ‘We didn’t mean no harm.’
    ‘Shut up,’ Jackson told him. ‘Mr Chadwin, I couldn ’tagree more. And normally I’d march the whole lot down to the cells and throw away the keys. But not while I’ve got Steadman locked up and waiting to hang. He deserves privacy in his last few days on this earth.’
    ‘They can’t be allowed to get away with this.’
    ‘They won’t. Don’t worry.’
    Peter Warren got shakily to his feet and rubbed his swollen jaw. His mouth was bloody and he’d lost two teeth.
    ‘We weren’t doing nothing until these cowboys came in and attacked us like they always do,’ he said. ‘Look at what they’ve done to Martin. He didn’t even want to fight and now he’s hurt and you’re goin’ to let ’em get away with it. It ain’t fair. You always support the ranchers,’ he accused Jackson.
    ‘I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,’ the lawman told him.
    ‘You were drunk, you should’ve left when I told you,’ Chadwin said.
    ‘That’s right, it’s always our fault.’
    ‘Be quiet!’ Jackson ordered, losing his temper with a furious shout. ‘No one is goin’ to get away with any of this. Not even you, Peter. Now go and see to your brother. God only knows what your pa will say when he finds out.’
    A sulky look on his face, Peter went over to Martin, bending down by him. After a couple of moments he was joined by David, who held his ribs, face twisted with pain. They muttered together but no one took any notice.
    ‘Mr Chadwin, I’ll take the names of these foolsand when the judge next comes to town he can deal with the lot of ’em. That OK with you?’
    ‘Yeah guess so.’
    Jackson turned to Cobb. ‘I can manage now. I’ll see you in the morning?’
    ‘Yes,’ Cobb agreed.
    ‘Thanks for your help.’
    Cobb nodded and smiled. Like most everyone else he rather enjoyed a good fight.

    In the event Cobb rode out to Bannister’s farm with just Marshal Jackson for company. Jackson was worried that with such a short time to go to Steadman’s hanging feelings were running high between the farmers, who might lynch him, and the cowboys, who might rescue him. So Cobb told Neil to stay at the jailhouse to help Bob Sparks make sure neither happened.
    Riding fast it didn’t take the two men long to reach Bannister’s farm. As they rode down the slope from the trail, Cobb looked at the cultivated fields leading away from the few buildings.
    ‘Whatever else Bannister might have been, he was a good

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