Shadow of the Gallows

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Book: Shadow of the Gallows by Steven Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Grey
him down.
    ‘Yeah, it was. You came to town looking for trouble . You should’ve been at the farm helping me. Then none of this would’ve happened. Instead, look at your brother!’ He swept his hand towards Martin, who lay, still groggy and feeling sick, on the narrow bed the doctor kept for his patients. ‘Your brother is hurt. He could’ve been killed!’
    ‘We’re sorry,’ David mumbled.
    ‘Sorry!’ Warren flung his hat at his son. ‘I’ll make you damn well sorry! As old as you are you aren’t too old for me to paddle your behinds! Do you know how worried your ma was when you didn’t come home last night? She thought you’d been arrested andlocked up, or even shot! Have you any notion at all about how worried she’ll be when we bring Martin home like this? Or don’t you care? Do you just think of yourselves?’
    ‘No, Pa….’
    ‘What on earth will she say?’
    Peter and David glanced at one another. They were scared of the consequences of what had happened. It was bad enough to face their father’s wrath, but they were used to that, it was going to be far, far worse to face their mother’s distress.
    ‘Oh, for God’s sake, you make me sick the pair of you! Now help me with your brother, and be careful! Don’t hurt him even more, and let’s go home. Think yourself lucky nothing worse happened and think about the time when Marshal Jackson makes you face the judge. Don’t think for one minute that I’m paying your fines for you! Come on.’
    Neil wasn’t any too happy about being left in the jailhouse – it was giving him the shivers – but he knew better than to argue with Cobb. And Sparks was glad of his company, especially when he kept beating him at cards.
    ‘Marshal stayed here last night,’ the old man said, pouring them both some coffee. ‘Luckily no one tried nothing stupid. And I doubt there’ll be any trouble today, although as some of those idiot farmers are still in town it might prove different tonight, once they get likkered up again.’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t like it, Neil. We ain’t never had a lynching here, but then there ain’t been this upset before. Thetownspeople and the ranchers have always been on the same side against the outlaws or Injuns. Now everyone seems at odds with everyone else.’
    ‘I’m sure Mr Cobb will sort matters out.’
    ‘I hope so.’
    Sparks sounded doubtful and despite what he said Neil was doubtful as well. There was so little time left.
    Mug of coffee in one hand, Neil went to the door and stared across the plaza. All he could see was people going about their business. Across the way an older man was helping Peter and David Warren carry their brother to a buckboard. They laid him in the back. The man must be Fred, the father. He looked absolutely furious.
    No trouble was stirring. But Sparks was right. There was an atmosphere in the air. Not just excitement at the thought of a hanging but an ill-tempered tension.
    He wondered what Cobb would find out and what he would do if he didn’t find anything. Cobb believed Steadman was innocent. Would he, a man to whom the law was so important, take the law into his own hands and break Steadman out of jail or would he decide to let an unjustified hanging go ahead? Neil thought that Cobb wouldn’t be happy with either alternative.
    Nor would he be happy at the thought of failure.

    Cobb was impressed with the Double D. Not as big as Rowlands’s place, there was still plenty of work going on and the men around the ranch headquarters looked busy. The buildings appeared sturdy and well kept.
    As he and Jackson dismounted before the house, the door opened and two men came out. They shut the door behind them, making it clear they weren’t about to invite their visitors inside out of the sun.
    ‘Allan and Reggie,’ Jackson said, in an aside.
    ‘Let’s see what they have to say, especially about Lucan and Carter.’
    As they approached, Reggie looked at them both with

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