My Other Daddy the Complete Series

Free My Other Daddy the Complete Series by Carl East

Book: My Other Daddy the Complete Series by Carl East Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carl East
Tags: erotica fiction fantasy oral older man
My Other
    I hadn’t made many friends in my short
life, so it was a blessing when I met Marybeth at grade school. She
was asked to stand up in front of the whole class and tell us a
little bit about herself. We’d all gone through it, so I knew how
nervous she felt. Anyway, she revealed that she’d moved here from
Texas after her mother had died. Apparently, her father had moved
them back to his own hometown to be closer to the rest of the
    As luck would have it, Marybeth was
assigned a desk next to me and we soon became best friends. We’d
share things together and sometimes she’d stop over at my house and
I’d stop over at hers, and generally hangout.
    After six years, we were inseparable
and on my sixteenth birthday, my parents bought me my very first
car. It was only a small old hatchback but I have some great
memories with that car. Marybeth and I used it to go to the beach
on many occasion. I’d gotten to know her father extremely well over
the years, in fact, he often joked about me being his second
daughter since we spent so much time together.
    Then when we turned eighteen, things
started to change. Marybeth was accepted into a four-year college
that was over a hundred miles away. I applied to the same college
but was rejected since my grades weren’t as good and ended up going
to the local college so it wasn’t all bad. Still, I was going to
miss her and I knew her father was too.
    On the day she left, she made me
promise to look in on her dad from time to time, so he wouldn’t be
all alone, and I was very glad to say that I’d check up on him now
and again.
    A week after she’d gone I remembered
that promise and went visiting, just to see how he was getting on.
He was in the back yard digging and I remembered he wanted to plant
a row of rose bushes back along the fence line. The weather was hot
for the end of August so I wasn’t surprised to see him wearing only
a pair of old jeans. His shirt was hanging off the end of the
wheelbarrow and as I watched him digging through the dirt, I
noticed how the sweat was running down his back. The muscles flexed
and moved with each shovel of dirt he threw to the side and I
suddenly realized how muscular he was. In fact, seeing him like
that made me think of the only boy I’d been with, sexually speaking
I mean. Although, saying what we did was sex, was an overstatement.
My one and only excursion had only lasted for about five minutes
and left me so disappointed that I never took the plunge, so to
speak, again. I shook the thoughts from my head and walked over to
talk with Marybeth’s dad.
    “ Hi Mr. Booth, how’s
things? I said.
    “ Ah, it’s my other
daughter; to what do I owe this pleasure? He replied with a
    “ Just checking up on you
to make sure everything’s okay. As per your daughter’s orders” I
said with a laugh.
    “ I’m fine. I’m just
getting the ground ready for the roses. Do you want to help? When
we finish up with the garden, you can stay for dinner?” he
    I had no plans, so I said
    When we finally got inside, he put the
dinner on and then said he was going to have a quick shower. I
washed up my hands, rinsed the sweat off my face and took a couple
of paper towels to dry off. I began to set the table as I had done
a hundred times before and when that was done took a last look at
the casserole in the oven, took the salad out of the refrigerator,
and put it on the table. That done, I headed to the living room.
Sitting down on the sofa, I was drawn to the stack of photo albums
that were sitting on the coffee table. I saw the pile and wondered
what Mr. Booth was doing with all of them out.
    As I picked one of the older albums up
a photograph fell out of its pages and when I picked it up, I
couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was a naked picture of
Marybeth’s dad. He was lying on a beach towel, his tanned legs were
spread wide and he was holding his fully erect cock in one hand as
he posed for

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