SEALed With Love (DiCarlo Brides book 2) (The DiCarlo Brides)
you. Then we’ll start planning.”
    Sage’s head spun a little as Rosemary talked cakes and food, Delphi grumbled about deadlines, and Jonquil scribbled ideas for flowers. Sage had never been so happy that events at the hotel didn’t mean a ton of extra work for her, personally, even if the wedding party all wanted pampering sessions.
    “So Vince wants to rush things, does that mean you really have to?” Jonquil asked as she frowned at her list. “What’s the hurry?”
    Cami wore a secret smile, happiness beaming from her face. “Why wait? I want to be able to live with him full time. This clause in the will about living here or with a husband makes a long engagement unreasonable. Besides, despite everything I ever thought before, I don’t need a huge monster event. Family and close friends will be there, and the rest is all frosting.”
    Sage felt her chest tighten with happiness for her sister, and a longing for a similar joy of her own.
    “Wait a minute—you’re not pregnant, are you?” Delphi asked. She stopped halfway through sliding her phone into her jacket pocket to stare at Cami.
    “ No . A hundred times, no. I’m just anxious to be with Vince and start our life together.” She eyed Delphi. “You still didn’t say where you were going.”
    “I have one last wedding I need to help with back home this weekend. The bride is an old friend of mine and I couldn’t leave her hanging just because Dad planned all of our lives for us. It’ll give me a chance to tie up some loose ends.” She didn’t look at them, focusing instead on her things.
    “That’s Delphi code for she’s missing her man and wants to get her bike ready to ship up here,” Jonquil clarified.
    “Man?” Rosemary asked. “You have a man?” She crossed her arms over her chest and studied Delphi. “Why are you always so closed mouthed about these things? Spill.”
    “I should have sent it back in July,” Delphi said of the bike, completely ignoring the question about her guy back home. “With my luck the snow is going to start falling next week and I won’t get to use it this winter.” Delphi’s obsession with motorcycles was a fascinating contrast to her buttoned-down, high-society image.
    “Ah, and there’s another reason for me to move to Vince’s before too long,” Cami said as she pulled rolls of ribbon from a plastic bag. “Six garage bays, six sisters—and an extra motorcycle. Can you imagine the fighting?”
    “Hello! Man? Details are needed,” Rosemary pushed.
    Sage nudged Rosemary a little. “You know she doesn’t like to talk about herself. Give her a break.” She could tell Delphi was uncomfortable, and she and Rosemary never really got along all that well anyway.
    “She thinks she has to be in our business. Why doesn’t she reciprocate?” Rosemary asked.
    “And you share everything with the rest of us, do you?” Delphi turned it back on Rosemary. “Your trip to DC next week is to make nice with the mom who couldn’t be bothered to come to the opening gala, huh?”
    Rosemary snorted. “As if. And if you’re going to keep secrets, I can keep my own.”
    “You’re welcome to them,” Delphi snarled.
    “Hey, I want to know secrets,” Cami said. “I have no juicy ones of my own, so you all need to share. Come on, spill.”
    “And with that, I’m headed out. I’ll be back Sunday evening.” Delphi turned toward the garage. “You’re all a bunch of busybodies. Worse than my mom’s friends.” The door slapped closed behind her.
    Sage sighed, wondering if Delphi and Rosemary would ever get along, and why they provoked each other all of the time.
    “I need to get with you Jonquil,” Cami said, moving past Delphi’s tantrum. “Flowers are not my thing.”
    “Rosemary already has plans for your cake,” Sage said. “You probably ought to discuss it with her soon.”
    “Right.” Cami’s phone rang and she grinned, flipping her auburn hair back from her face and answering it, “Hi,

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