His Desert Rose

Free His Desert Rose by Deborah R. Brandon

Book: His Desert Rose by Deborah R. Brandon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah R. Brandon
swing. Rosalie offered drinks and refreshments. The photographer took a few shots and then finally they were alone.
    Lisa Monroe, leaned in and said, “I honestly for the first time in my career am speechless and don’t know where to start?”
    “The most pressing question on your mind right now has to be why me?” Renee responded.
    “Yes, let’s start there,” Lisa said throwing her long brown hair behind her back as she laughed out loud.
    “I chose you because you did some research on me and reported what that research turned up. You are not kissing my hind parts or making nice because of what my last name will be,” Renee said.
    “So you aren’t mad about the story that I ran?” Lisa Monroe asked.
    “Mad no,” Renee said then continued, “Hurt was the emotion that I felt more than anything.”
    “I am sorry, sincerely, Lisa said. I owe you an apology and I guess that is where I should start,” Lisa said.
    “Apology accepted,” Renee said.
    “Renee, you were one of the most powerful women in International Business before the untimely traumatic death of your parents in an automobile accident. I understand that losing your parents in such horrible manner was devastating, but why walk away from everything that you had worked so hard for?”
    “If I had known that I was going to lose them both so soon, I would have spent more time with them, making peace with them, and making memories, rather than chasing the old mighty dollar. Due to the nature of their injuries they died quickly, but it was a horrible sight to witness,” Renee summarized.
    “It’s still hard for you, I can see it in your eyes that their tragic deaths are still haunting you,” Lisa observed.
    “Probably will until the day that I die. Once you see body dismemberment, especially with someone that you love, you don’t forget about it. You have nightmares about it when you can sleep,” Renee responded.
    “You said that you needed to make peace with your parents. Were you estranged from your parents at the time of their death?” Lisa asked.
    “Yes and no,” Renee said. “When I was a freshman in college I was on my own; for the first time away from my parents strict rules. I guess you could say that I was young wild and free. I met a boy and I decided to give him my very precious gift. I got pregnant the very first time I had sex and we used protection and everything,” Renee said shrugging her shoulders.
    “Oh, wow,” Lisa responded.
    “Yeah, so I was faced with the option of dropping out of school or getting an abortion. I opted to get an abortion because it was what I felt was best at the time. During the process something went wrong and they could not control the bleeding. So I was rushed to a local hospital and my parents were contacted. The doctors worked and saved me,” Renee said then paused. After a moment she continued, “My parents were furious. My father said that I had behaved cowardly and that if I was old enough to make my bed hard I was old enough to lie in it. He said, I was selfish and a murderer. Mom didn’t say anything, but I could see the hurt in her eyes. I had disappointed them both,” Renee said.
    Renee continued, “I came home only when I had to for holidays and school breaks, when the campus was closed. I thought if I worked hard enough, I would be forgiven. Yet our relationship was never the same,” Renee paused again. “On the evening, that they died, they were leaving my home and I had told them I was pregnant, again. Even though I was a fully grown woman, I was an unmarried woman. So, even if I kept the baby I still would mess up the family name. My father couldn’t leave fast enough. They got into an accident leaving my home,” Renee said filling the full impact of her words. “Even though, they felt that way about me, I still loved them very much. They were good people who had strong unwavering view points on life. I felt a sense of loss, but also a lot of guilt,” Renee

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