Shadowed by Sin

Free Shadowed by Sin by Layna Pimentel

Book: Shadowed by Sin by Layna Pimentel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layna Pimentel
    His cousin snorted. “Well now, at least you know what a cock is, but the question remains. Do you know how to use yours? I bet you are still a virgin.” George began to pace as well and muttered, “You do realize that nosy bitch is going to expose everything. Something has to be done. If you had not gone to Gabriel Templeton’s room, there would have been no issue. But no, you just had to interfere in matters that no longer concerned you.”
    “Helen was with child, you ignorant fool, of course something had to be done.”
    “And what makes you think he fathered the child?” his cousin asked wryly.
    “Why else would she have been engaged to him? I overheard her tell Mary one morning before she came down for breakfast.”
    “You and your spying. One of these days you are going to witness something that will throw you over the edge, and how I look forward to seeing your usual frantic and uncontrolled self, slip from all reality. Even better, that time will likely occur in front of the others, and much to your chagrin, it will be too late. Father will cart you away and have you locked up at Bedlam. Come to think of it, I fancy that thought.”
    Bedlam. Is that where they were thinking of putting me? The words stung; however, anywhere had to be better than living this lie.
    “Is there any reason why you are here with me?” Edwin asked.
    “As a matter of fact, there is. There’s damning evidence in that attic, and that wench is manipulating her way to discovering what should never be found out.”
    Edwin pondered for a moment. What in the world could his cousin be hiding now?
    “If you are so concerned that you are going to be found out, why don’t you question Evan? If he has permitted something devious to occur and didn’t report back to the earl, then mention it to the countess. I am sure your mother would do anything to protect her idiot son.”
    His cousin punched him in the gut, but before he slipped out into the hall, George cautioned him. “Make no mistake, cousin. If I am an idiot, then you are the simpleton. Do not underestimate my influence in this home.”
    The panel closed and Edwin once again stood in the shadows. Alone.
    He winced at the pain. His constitution was deteriorating by the day, and he knew not of what ailed him. Edwin did his best to hide the lesions appearing on his chest, and discoloration on his arms he noticed some days ago. Part of him racked his brain as to why he was suddenly plagued with markings. What had he done to deserve such punishment? Yes, he’d done some horrible things, for which he’d answer for in his afterlife. But what brought on this illness?
    Edwin gasped, cupping himself, remembering the tavern wench he caught up with weeks ago. It had to have been her. What else could it possibly be?
    None of it really mattered at this point. By the time he was done ruining the remainder of his family, they would likely shoot him anyway. All he had to do was wait a few more days for correspondence from the Met in the village.
    * * * *
    Benedict had paced his room with worry and anger until his head could bear no more. He lay in bed and the loneliness swallowed him whole. In one month, he would share his bed with the love of his life and he’d never let her go. The frustration of wanting her so badly left him near on the edge of madness.
    Hard with need, the only way he could seek relief had to be by his own volition. Benedict held himself and closed his eyes, imagining her taking him into her mouth, but the second he began to feel lost, he flung his eyes open at the sound of his door being opened and then closed.
    Damn it! Did I not lock it?
    Even more, Benedict could not hide his shock to see his fiancée standing there. “You should not be here, Estelle.”
    Oh, yes, you should, his body contradicted, betraying his own moral code.
    “I do not want to be in my room. I want to spend the night with you.”
    “And what will your aunt do when she discovers you

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