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Book: Weekend by Jane Eaton Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Eaton Hamilton
anything , whispered Logan again.
    I got me some lesbians, she said and Ajax giggled. They could be lesbians; why not?
    The dancer ground on Logan, moved to Ajax, tweaked Ajax’s left nipple, hard. You are such a relief from my usual clientele, I can’t tell you, honey .
    Ajax laughed.
    Stop laughing , hissed Logan.
    But Ajax couldn’t stop. The tiny-breasted stripper yanked Ajax’s shirt up and then slid up her body with her own until her nipples—big, brown—ran across Ajax’s face. Then into her laughing mouth. A raspberry-nipple brushed her tongue.
    Logan said, Don’t you dare suck that. If you suck that, we’ll get the boot.
    The stripper said, Spank me.
    Logan said, You can do what she asks you to do, but that’s it.
    You’ve been here before, darlin’, the stripper told Logan. You do it.
    Logan spanked her.
    Spank me , she said again to Ajax.
    Ajax could not stop laughing. She slapped her.
    Oww! the dancer cried and rubbed her ass.
    McIntyre, that is not how you hit a woman, said Logan. You cup your hand like this. She hit the stripper again. It makes a sound but it doesn’t hurt.
    The stripper crammed Logan’s cowboy hat onto her head; her hair slapped Ajax’s face. She pulled back and gyrated. Ride ’em, cowgirls. Keep them doggies moving. She stopped grinding on Logan a minute and confirmed their cock. Yeehaw!
    Now Logan dragged Ajax back into the present. “Remember that? Strippers’ rules. You can only do what I tell you to do.”
    Weak-kneed, Ajax said, “Please, please, please.” She could smell her cunt on Logan’s nipple. She opened her eyes. “Oh god,” said Ajax, lowering her arms. She thought nothing besides I want you I want you I want you .
    Logan stood back. Moved her to the wall. Watched her, said, “Did you open your eyes without permission? Did you lower your arms? Don’t you even think of moving again.”
    â€œ Ass hole,” said Ajax cheerfully; she pressed her knuckles to the wall obediently. Longed to touch. Everything was hot, suddenly, too hot—the waning fire (what was with all the fucking mid-heatwave fires?), her skin, Logan’s ears where the tips flamed red. But a breeze was coming up—the wind was chilly against wet skin.
    â€œDirty-mouthed thing,” said Logan, frowning. Toby moaned and rolled over.
    â€œAnd if I am?” Ajax’s chin lifted.
    Logan slit their eyes. “I might punish you. You’ve already been bad.”
    There was a pause while the possibility hung in the air. Every time Logan wet her nipples, the wind slid across them like fingers.
    â€œOr not.” Logan smiled.
    â€œOh god, Logan, fuck. Logan, fuck. That is so not fair.” Fire guttering. Candles side-waving. Growing darker. Logan nude but for black leather harness with buckles, black cock. Boobs surprisingly round.
    â€œAnticipation suits you, McIntyre.” Logan flicked Ajax’s left nipple, making her jump. “See what it does to you, how hard your nipples are?”
    â€œLogan, fuck me. Come on, touch me.”
    Logan stroked their cock, added lube.
    Ajax pressed her breasts toward them.
    â€œBack against the wall, Ajax. Believe me when I say that I can out-wait you any day.”
    â€œBut think of the time wasted.”
    â€œYeah, Ajax? I’m wasting time? How wet are you?” Logan slid a finger between Ajax’s thighs so it came up shining. “As it happens, you can wait longer.”
    â€œI can’t, I can’t,” said Ajax. “Fuck off.”
    â€œIf you’re so eager, touch yourself,” said Logan, running hands across their own breasts, squeezing their nipples tight. Sliding their hands along their cock.
    â€œPlease, please, please. I’m fucking out of my mind.”
    â€œI’m touching myself .” Meandering fingers, Logan rubbed their clit, put their fingers in their own mouth. “I can come

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