L. Frank Baum_Aunt Jane 01

Free L. Frank Baum_Aunt Jane 01 by Aunt Jane's Nieces

Book: L. Frank Baum_Aunt Jane 01 by Aunt Jane's Nieces Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aunt Jane's Nieces
said the invalid, flushing, "and Phibbs
is a stupid ass."
    "Never mind, I can make it look beautiful in half a jiffy," said the
girl, standing behind the chair and drawing deftly the hairpins from
Aunt Jane's scanty grey locks, "and you can't imagine how it pleases
me to fuss over anyone."
    It was surprising how meekly Aunt Jane submitted to this ordeal, but
she plied the girl with many shrewd questions and Louise, busily
working in a position where the old woman could not see her face,
never hesitated for an answer. She knew all the recent gossip of
fashionable society, and retailed it glibly. She had met this
celebrity at a ball and that one at a reception, and she described
them minutely, realizing that Aunt Jane would never be in a position
to contradict any assertion she might choose to make.
    Indeed, Aunt Jane was really startled.
    "However did your mother manage to gain an entree into society?" she
asked. "Your father was a poor man and of little account. I know, for
he was my own brother."
    "He left us a very respectable life insurance," said Louise, demurely,
"and my mother had many friends who were glad to introduce us to good
society when we were able to afford such a luxury. Father died twelve
years ago, you know, and for several years, while I was at school,
mother lived very quietly. Then she decided it was time I made my
debut, but for the last season we have been rather gay, I admit."
    "Are you rich?" asked Aunt Jane, sharply.
    "Mercy, no!" laughed Louise, who had finished her work and now sat her
aunt's feet. "But we have enough for our requirements, and that makes
us feel quite independent. By the way, auntie, I want to return that
check you sent me. It was awfully good and generous of you, but I
didn't need it, you know, and so I want you to take it back."
    She drew the slip of paper from her pocket and pressed it into Aunt
Jane's hand.
    "It's quite enough for you to give me this nice treat in the country,"
resumed the girl, calmly. "The change from the city will do me a world
of good, and as I wanted to be quiet, and rest I declined all my other
invitations for the summer to accept yours. Isn't it glorious that we
can get acquainted at last? And I quite love Elmhurst, already!"
    Aunt Jane was equally surprised and gratified. The return of the check
for a hundred dollars was very pleasant. She had drawn a similar check
for each of her three nieces, believing that it would be necessary for
her to meet their expenses, and she had considered the expenditure in
the nature of a business transaction. But Patricia had flung one check
in her face, practically, and now Louise had voluntarily returned
another, because she did not need the money. Really, Jane Merrick was
accomplishing her purpose for less money than she had expected, and
she had hoarded her wealth for so many years that she disliked to
spend any of it foolishly.
    Louise had read her nature correctly. It had been a little hard to
return so large a check, but the girl's policy was not to appear
before Aunt Jane as a poor relation, but rather as a young lady fitted
by social education and position to become a gracious mistress of
Elmhurst. This she believed would give her a powerful advantage over
all competitors.
    Whether she was right or not in this surmise it is certain that she
rose several points in Aunt Jane's estimation during this interview,
and when she was dismissed it was so graciously that she told herself
the money her little plot had cost had been well expended.
    Afterward Elizabeth was summoned to attend her aunt.
    "I want to be amused. Can you read aloud?" said the invalid.
    "Not very well, I'm afraid. But I'll be glad to try," answered Beth.
"What do you like?"
    "Select your own book," said Aunt Jane, pointing to a heap of volumes
beside her.
    The girl hesitated. Louise would doubtless have chosen a romance, or
some light tale sure to interest for the hour, and so amuse the old
lady. But Beth erroneously judged that the aged and infirm

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