How to Handle a Heartbreaker

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Book: How to Handle a Heartbreaker by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
pleasantly surprised.
    “Well, boy. It’s about time.” Alan Singer’s slurred voice came over the line in a connection too crisp for comfort.
    Brody went stone cold. “Alan.”
    “I’m your father, you little shit. Call me Dad.” Alan laughed, and Brody thought he heard his brother Jeremy in the background.
    “I’m busy.” Brody wanted badly to disconnect, but curiosity forced his hand. “What do you want? Money? Forget it.” He’d paid the old man his last dime ten years ago, back when he could ill afford to spend anything not on himself. Still, Alan contented himself to call every few years when he needed something.
    “No. It’s Jeremy. He needs a job.”
    Brody couldn’t believe the balls on the prick. “Yeah? Put him on.”
    He heard the phone drop and unconsciously found himself rubbing his elbow, where a scar remained. He could still remember the pain of that broken bone. And who had caused it.
    “Brody?” A voice much like Alan’s but not as deep.
    “Hey, little brother. I’ve missed—”
    “Fuck off.” Brody disconnected and forced himself to let go of the tension invading his body. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, in and out. After composing himself, he left the phone on his bed and deliberately turned his back on it. He returned to his real family in the kitchen and grinned. “So inquiring minds want to know, Mike. How hot was this chick your mom wanted to set you up with?”
    The guys laughed, except for Mike. But then he too cracked a smile and filled them in on his mother’s boring idea of the perfect Mrs. Mike McCauley. And all was right with the world again.
    For now.

Chapter 5
    Abby finished her outline and sighed. She saved her file, then took off her glasses and massaged the back of her neck. Flynn and Maddie had planned to spend the weekend together, and she didn’t expect them back before tomorrow evening. Vanessa had surprised her by leaving for a weekend trip to Whidbey Island. So Abby had the whole house to herself.
    What did she do? She spent her Saturday reorganizing her room…and turned the entire house upside down trying to find her missing book. When she’d driven herself crazy, she decided she might as well get some writing done.
    A glance at the clock showed it had neared eight and she hadn’t eaten yet. She was all alone, single, and had a free weekend in a bustling city full of things to do. Yet she had nothing better to do than type and hope she hadn’t missed the latest Dog Savant rerun on TV. Considering she had no dog to speak of and no inclination to get one anytime soon, she knew her choice of programming was questionable.
    “It’s just you and me, Savvy. Now let’s see you discipline the unruly.” At the thought, Mutt came to mind. “What kind of a name is Mutt? Anything would be better than that.” Truth be told, she had a secret soft spot for the rescued animal. Huge but not graceful, not cute in the slightest, Mutt had warm eyes. A sorry canine full of love and affection he wanted to dole on anyone not lucky enough to get out of his way.
    A lot like his owner.
    The warm and fuzzy thoughts continued to haunt her as she checked her bare kitchen cupboards for something to eat. She hadn’t seen Brody since the morning after the party, and she still couldn’t stop thinking about him. Nothing unusual about that. She’d developed a minor crush the day they’d met. But her imagination had never been so incredibly detailed before.
    She’d swear she’d given him an honest-to-God hand job at the party, except he hadn’t acted smug about it or made any rude comments. It wasn’t like Brody not to say what he thought. Had she pleased him to that end, she had no doubt he’d have said something before now. Though relieved she simply had a dirty imagination, part of her wished she’d been bold enough for once in her life to take that step and demand what she wanted.
    The one time she’d tried, timidly, to get Kevin

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