How to Handle a Heartbreaker

Free How to Handle a Heartbreaker by Marie Harte

Book: How to Handle a Heartbreaker by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
and grinned. “Yeah, but Mom had a friend she invited over. A young, single lady friend, if you catch my drift.”
    “Damn. He’s gonna be mad when he gets here.”
    “Truly.” Cam dusted off his prissy pants and glared at the dog when Mutt would have made his love known. “Down. Back. Off.”
    Brody sighed and grabbed his dog by the leash trailing after him. “Come on, Mutt. Let’s go get you a treat.”
    At the word treat , the dog darted to the stairs, ripped the leash from Brody’s fingers, and bounded up in two big leaps.
    “Gee, he seems to know that word.” Flynn stood and scowled at Brody. “I’d think down and off would take priority over treat .”
    “Hey. He’s new. Give him some slack.”
    “You suck at dog training,” Flynn said. “That beast is totally ruling you.”
    “He is not.” The dog barked, urging him to hurry. “That’s his excited bark.”
    Cam snorted. “Yeah, right. Whatever. Just don’t let the thing try to jump Mike when he gets here or big bro might break your dog in half.”
    “Good point.” Brody had only seen Mike truly angry a few times in his life. Enough to know he never wanted Mike to be that angry with him. Ever.
    The three of them trudged upstairs. After Brody tinkered with the faucets a bit and cleaned up, he rejoined his brothers in the kitchen, the only room in the house that surprisingly didn’t need to be completely overhauled.
    “This is a big space,” Cam admitted as he leaned against a counter. “I still don’t understand why you thought you needed to buy it when you were renting, but whatever. You should have Maddie help you design it. I bet she’d give you a discount since Flynn is pleasing her on a regular basis.”
    “Yes, I am.” Flynn’s goofy grin made Brody laugh.
    “When I’m ready to decorate, I’ll call her.”
    “Really? ’Cause I’m thinking you want another woman to help you pick curtains,” Flynn teased.
    Brody wished Flynn would shut up. He’d been needling Brody nonstop since the party. Brody grabbed a soda from the fridge and opened it.
    “Oh? You mean Abby, of course,” Cam answered. “Don’t look so surprised, Brody. I keep on top of things.” Cam traveled for business. Of all the McCauleys, Brody included, he fit in the least. Unlike his blue-collar siblings, Cam worked as an investment specialist and had a head for numbers. The guy was a lot like Vanessa, but pleasant to be around. Normally.
    Brody gave him a dubious once-over. “Uh-huh. So they sell men’s clothes where you bought that getup?”
    “It’s called a suit, dumbass.” Cam sniffed and glared at the beer in his hand. “You knew I was coming. Was it too hard to get what I like instead of this piss?”
    Flynn laughed.
    Brody blew out a breath. “Look, your highness, at my place, you get what you get. How is that different from Mike’s?”
    “Um, he has decent beer, food, and a nice kitchen?” Flynn offered.
    “Don’t help.”
    “Truth hurts.” Cam and Flynn shook their heads in commiseration. “But back to Abby,” Cam pushed.
    Brody groaned and Flynn chuckled.
    “What’s the deal? Flynn said Mike isn’t hot for her. You have a green light. And supposedly you and she did something at the Halloween party. Man, I wanted to be here for that. Too bad my new client insisted on me tailing it out to Maryland last week.”
    Brody turned to Flynn. “You tell him everything? I thought we enjoyed keeping secrets from the others.”
    “Normally we do.”
    “What?” Cam frowned.
    Flynn continued. “But this is too good. Brody Singer, frustrated, with his dick in a knot over our own Abby Dunn.”
    “Our own? Since when does she belong to you?”
    “He’s balling the roommate,” Cam explained. “Transitive property.”
    “Stop talking math. Please. I like to put those horrifying days of homework behind me.” Flynn grimaced. “Drink beer, scratch your balls. Burp, damn it. Be a slob. It’s Friday.”
    Mike strode through the front door at

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