Winter of Grace

Free Winter of Grace by Kate Constable

Book: Winter of Grace by Kate Constable Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Constable
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left behind. Previously, I’d found that thought quite overwhelming and depressing, but sitting there with Jay and everyone else, so flushed and excited, I started to believe that maybe we could do it after all. It was sort of the same feeling I’d had at the peace rally, but now the feeling was stronger, more focussed. It was God who would grant us the strength and the courage to take on this fight. As long as we had faith in Jesus, He would take care of us. He’d show us the way. Our job was to be the best we could be, as perfect as we could be, for Him.
    Everyone was nodding and murmuring, ‘Amen.’
    The pastor swept his gaze around the room. ‘I can’t hear you!’
    â€˜Amen! Hallelujah !’ Some people jumped up and punched the air.
    â€˜I can’t hear you!’
    Jay jumped up and pulled me with him, and I shouted out too, because everyone else did, and we made such a joyful noise the roof nearly blew off, and suddenly everyone started to sing a song about Jesus coming back.
    I whispered to Jay, ‘Jesus is coming back ?’
    â€˜Yeah, of course.’ Jay grinned at my surprise, and swung my hand. ‘The Bible says so.’
    â€˜Oh,’ I said. ‘Okay.’
    The song peaked in a crescendo of whoops and applause, and before I knew it, Jay had pulled me into a quick hug, then released me. ‘I’ll … I’ll get us some hot chocolate,’ he said, blushing, and dashed off. I was still blinking after him when Elliot came over. He wasn’t scowling, but he did look stern. ‘Bridie.’
    I clutched at the back of my chair; it was really hot in the basement. I tried to think of something to say. ‘Elliot,’ I blurted. ‘Could I ask you something? About Jesus?’ That sounded weird, spoken out loud. Probably not so much to Elliot, though. I plunged on. ‘You know how Christians talk about Jesus dying for our sins? What does that mean?’
    Elliot scratched his chin and rubbed his hand thoughtfully across his forehead. ‘We’re all sinners, Bridie,’ he said. ‘We’re all stained by sin.’
    â€˜What, even little babies?’
    â€˜The whole human race. We’ve all broken God’s laws. Sins have to be paid for, sins have to be punished. When Jesus died, He paid for all our sins, forever. So when you accept Christ as your saviour, you’re given eternal life.’
    â€˜So you go to heaven?’
    â€˜More than that. When Jesus returns to rule over the earth forever, you’ll live forever with Him.’
    â€˜But … how did Jesus pay?’
    â€˜With His life, Bridie. He died so that we can live.’
    â€˜I don’t get it. Why did He have to die?’
    â€˜He’s the sacrifice. He took the punishment.’
    â€˜God’s punishment?’
    â€˜So if Jesus hadn’t died, we’d all be punished? God would punish us? We’d go to hell?’
    â€˜Hell isn’t … some people think hell is an actual place. Some people think hell is the state of being denied God’s presence. And heaven is the opposite; it’s being in God’s presence always.It’s the eternal bliss of being with God.’
    â€˜Sending us to hell doesn’t sound like a very loving thing to do.’
    â€˜God is our father, Bridie. Doesn’t your father punish you when you do the wrong thing? How else do you learn?’
    â€˜I don’t have a father.’
    There was a pause. ‘I’m sorry to hear that, Bridie.’
    â€˜Well,’ I said awkwardly. ‘That’s okay.’ We looked away from each other; Elliot frowned at the crush around the cake and drink table. I said in a rush, ‘Jay seems well.’
    Elliot’s mouth tightened. ‘He isn’t.’
    â€˜What … what’s happened?’
    â€˜We just found out. His eye is permanently

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