Conjuring Quantico (The Federal Witch Book 1)
was in hers.
    “Chuck, how did you know?”
    “As you might know my father, Charles Winthrop Senior, is the money man behind Volf Advertising. In our family Pack he is a Gamma wolf. He has never been a dominant wolf in our pack. One of the reasons I’m here is that I am more powerful than he is and he didn’t want to see me die in constant dominance battles. I guess I should stop saying our pack when I talk about them... Unlike you, Cat, I really can’t go home. I would be challenged within a mile of home, especially now that I smell different.”
    This puzzled me for a moment. “Chuck, what did you do over the Winter this past year? I mean I stayed here, and I didn’t see you.”
    Chuck shrugged. “I didn’t know I wasn’t Pack until my father met with me, but I spent it at the beach. Dad didn’t really want to head home, so he met me in our family’s condo down in Florida at the beach. One sniff was all it took for him to tell me to not come home again. Fortunately, PC beach is neutral territory or my own brothers might have fought me.”
    “Chuck, I’m so sorry I did that to you! I had no idea I was taking your family away from you!”
    “But you didn’t. My brothers are assholes! They are enforcers for the Pack and think they know best. I agreed to Dad’s idea of being an FBI agent because of the neutrality of the office. I won’t be targeted by them or anyone else. My Dad takes everyone to the beach every Winter. I can still see them then. I won’t give up this pack for anything!” Chuck clutched his hands in front of him.
    I spoke to him gently. “Chuck, I think Cat is afraid you will either leave or take it personally that she forced you into a Pack.”
    He looked at the both of us. “I checked with human resources when I realized what had happened. The FBI has specific rules for its agents when it comes to Pack membership. Most of the rules are about assignments and getting involved in politics. Pack matters are secondary to the FBI in all things and we are allowed to join them.”
    “That much I knew. What about Alphas?” Cat looked really anxious.
    “They don’t have an issue with that. We are supposed to be neutral parties. I know of at least one Alpha Agent. You should be OK. We just have to register our mini-Pack with the administration here on campus but we can call ourselves a Pack. If we let in new members, we should be selective. There are some real losers here.”
    That much I could agree on, too. Most of the other shifters stayed away from me, but I knew they were here because they had little or no prospects back home. The lure of being neutral was a strong draw.
    At least Cat felt better after talking to him. They agreed to a basic format for their small Pack and Chuck took the position of Beta. He was fairly dominant. Both of them told me that no matter what, I was an honorary member of the Pack. So now I’m in a WereCat Pack! I sent Grams a text message, and she laughed at me.
    We started the day off right: late and racing to class! Oversleeping just sucks. I hope that law enforcement procedures gets more interesting because the first day was one of the most boring classes I have ever had. Maybe martial arts would be more interesting.
    That class was taught in the main gym area. We were all instructed to change to workout clothing or at least loose clothes. Our instructor was a large, well built human. I did a small scan spell that one of the Council teachers had showed me. He was ninety percent human. Ten percent was troll which really surprised me. The how of it had me so distracted I missed his calling my name.
    I blinked my eyes a few times as I heard my name being called. “Agatha Blackmore?”
    “Here. I mean present.” I raised my hand.
    “Nice of you to join us, Miss Blackmore. I asked you a question. What martial arts do you already know?”
    “Sir, I have trained in Krav Maga.” Grams got me

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