Conjuring Quantico (The Federal Witch Book 1)
a teacher when I was ten. She wanted me to not have to rely on my magic to protect myself until I better understood how magic worked.
    “What belt are you?”
    “Sir, I’m unofficially ranked Orange.”
    He peered at me closely. “P two or three?”
    “P three” my instructor last tested me two years ago.
    “Why did you not compete and are you still in practice?” The whole class was staring at me now.
    “I still practice the Kata’s daily as part of my workouts. My roommate helps with them as well. I didn’t compete as I was both a private student and not associated in any way with the normal community.”
    “Who is your instructor?”
    “Haim Levine from Portland, Maine.” Haim was one of Grams oldest friends.
    He was nodding. “I know the man. I was unaware that he did private lessons.”
    “My grandmother obtained his services for me. He owed her.”
    Thor, our instructor, made a come on motion with his hands. “Who is your grandmother?”
    “Marcella Blackmore.”
    “OK! I can see that. I may use you for class discussions, Miss Blackmore. Be prepared for that.”
    Thor proceeded to quiz all my classmates on what techniques and practices they had experience with. Out of the class of twenty, over half had some sort of belt in a half-dozen different techniques. The rest were MMA fighters or those with street fighting experience. This was going to be a fun class.
    I caught up with Cat and Chuck for lunch in the cafeteria. They had pretty much the same classes as I did except they had martial arts first thing followed by law enforcement. We all had weapons training together and were looking forward to it.
    The cafeteria was packed today. It was a shock to see it full of people after months of no one but the staff and I. I grabbed a tray and went through the line. Many of the servers called me by name and knew what I liked before I pointed. I smiled at the cashier and thanked her as I swiped my student card. Chuck was easy to spot as he stuck up higher than most of the other students.
    “How was your class?” I sat down next to my friend Cat and smiled across at Chuck.
    “Oh. My. God. Is that class boring or what? I thought I was going to fall asleep like twenty times!”
    “You did.” Chuck had his head down and was eating a massive amount of what looked like Tikka Masala.
    “I did? When?” Cat was looking at him with a funny look on her face.
    “About halfway, when he started in on local law enforcement rules versus federal. You drifted right off. I caught you just as your head hit the desk. I asked you for a pen remember?”
    “I was sleeping? Really?”
    Chuck laughed. “Yeah, you were. I figured my Alpha should stay awake for at least the first day of classes.”
    She turned her head and glared at me. “This is your fault!”
    “My fault? How? I’m not the one who ate three whole pizza pies almost by herself!”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    I looked back at her. “Uh huh.” I had gotten the vegetarian special, so I concentrated on that.
    “Agatha, have you ever fired a gun before?”
    I wiped my mouth and thought for a short moment. “Grandmother introduced me to weapons. Cappy, our town sheriff, is sort of useless when it comes to police work. He’s mostly for show for the tourists. But he was an Army Captain. According to Grandma he served with distinction in the Dragon Cong War. When the war was over, he returned home not quite right. She said he saw things that scarred him mentally and psychologically. But he does a good job in a town full of witches. He took me out to his range and showed me the basics with a variety of weapons. I’m best with a Colt 1911. Cappy had an original one that belonged to his grandfather. Because he’s the local law, he has a few really cool weapons. Somehow he got his hands on a M240 and allowed me to fire it.

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