Laura 02 The God Code

Free Laura 02 The God Code by Anton Swanepoel

Book: Laura 02 The God Code by Anton Swanepoel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anton Swanepoel
now? Something is off, I have seen that backpack before. That man has popped up too many times to be a coincidence.
    “You can take my place. I am travelling alone and am in no hurry.” The voice rips Victor out of his thoughts. An elderly Scottish gentleman in front of Laura smiles at them and indicates for Victor and to take his place.
    “Thank you very much sir,” Victor replies as he steps towards the first group, taking the man’s position, with Laura next to him. The conductor just shrugs his shoulders and asks the people to start climbing aboard the first bus. When it is Victor’s turn to get on the bus, he gives one last look at the crowd, then climbs aboard, unaware of the small bomb that is placed inside one of the bus’s front wheel wells.
    “You can take the window seat this time,” Laura says with a smile.
    “You sure?”
    “Oh yes, I had enough of looking down at the wheels hanging off the side of the road thanks, too much action for me in one day.”
    Victor quickly scans the other passengers on the bus, before taking the window seat in the second row. Laura tiredly sits down next to him, still sipping on her soda. She had finished her chicken wrap as they waited for the bus. The bus driver quickly climbs in and checks that all is okay on his instrument panel. Satisfied that everything is working, he gives a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure everyone is seated, then starts the bus and pulls away.
    Laura stares past Victor at the gate to the Ruins. A knot forms in her throat, and she has difficulty holding back the tears. Sadness fills her heart at leaving such a magnificent place. The bus passes the gate to the parking area and starts to follow the narrow dusty dirt road down the mountain.
    “Can we come back here one day when it is safe?” Laura asks.
    “Of course, and I will even make an advanced booking for us for the same room with the hot tub if you want.” Victor winks in reply.
    Laura blushes, and her body starts to respond as her thoughts go back to the previous evening. Quickly she covers her breasts, not wanting others to see her body’s response, then comments smilingly, “You are so naughty.”
    The bus makes a sharp turn as the road switches back on itself. Suddenly the bus slows down fast as the driver brakes due to another bus coming up. There is a bus behind Laura and Victor’s bus, and he has to wait in the turn. The two busses passing each other almost touch, so close do they go past each other, with Victor and Laura’s bus having to give way to the bus coming up. As soon as the bus passes them, their driver pulls away hard, obviously in a hurry. The bus behind them also has to wait until the other bus passes, but has to reverse first to make space for the bus going up to pass.
    Laura stares in amazement at the driver’s skill as she looks through the back window at the two busses.
    Unknowingly, she bites her lower lip while holding her breath. The one bus is so close to the drop off, it looks like it is going to slide off the mountain.
    As soon as the two busses pass each other, and the one behind them is free to travel again, Laura turns in her seat and looks forward again. They are at another turn, and as their bus slows down to take the turn, the bus behind them catches up to them.
    Laura puts her head on Victor’s shoulder as a light on the bomb in the wheelwell turns red and the digital counter activates, 5 seconds.
    Victor slowly puts his arm around Laura. 2 seconds left. Laura raises her head and their eyes lovingly connect.
    Laura jerks from the sound of the explosion. The small bomb rips through the left front tire, blowing it to pieces. The bus’s nose dips dangerously and the left side scrapes on the ground. The bus veers sharply to the side of the road, about to drive off the pass. There is no doubt that if the bus goes over it will roll down the mountain, killing all on the bus. The driver expertly controls the bus, keeping it from rolling over and,

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