Things Forbidden

Free Things Forbidden by Raquel Dove

Book: Things Forbidden by Raquel Dove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raquel Dove
Chapter One
    His senses swam with an overload of her.  He fought the feral growl that was rising in his throat at his own actions.  He was disgusted with himself, even as he continued to watch her from behind the cover of trees.  It was wrong.  No, it was absolutely forbidden.  Taboo.   He could never have her.  Should never have her.   And yet he wanted her with every fiber of his being.  And so, he continued to watch her.  He watched the thin fabric of her shirt pool as it hit the grass beneath her.  He watched as the warm summer air kissed her exposed breasts, perking up her perfect pink nipples.  He watched as a tiny bead of sweat glided down her taught supple body.  Her hands, perfectly manicured, reached for the zipper of her jean shorts which promptly joined her top on the ground.  He felt the pressure in his pants growing as she reached back to take her golden hair down, giving him a glorious view of her body.  Nothing was left to his imagination, save for the things he wanted to do with said body.  His hand reached for the steadily increasing lump in his pants, adjusting himself to accommodate the increase in size.  The simple touch brought a measure of frictional pleasure and he found his hand lingering, rubbing, enjoying the electricity of his own touch.
    He shook his head, fighting with everything he had to look away.  Not only was what he was doing wrong in principle, but mating with a human was strictly forbidden.  It was beyond forbidden, actually.  Mostly for the possibility of the unholy offspring that could be produced.  It was the worst thing a being like himself could do.  And a demon lord of his stature should be far above such vile acts.  He clenched his jaw as he tried to force himself to walk away.  Just one more glance, he told himself.  There’s no harm in just looking. 
    The human woman was young, in her early twenties.  He could tell a lot about her simply by her scent.  Her intoxicating scent.   She was single, or had at least not been touched by a male for quite some time.  She had a dog.  A small one, a Jack Russell.   He could smell the pet’s scent on hers, covering her clothes and every inch of her skin.  He lifted his nose, inhaling deeply as a light breeze picked up, carrying the girls scent closer to him.  It swirled around him, taunting him.  The subtle notes of amber that tinted her scent were of an added pleasure to him.  He could hear the girl’s heartbeat.  Slow, steady, and strong.  She was a healthy creature, and innocent.  It made his current actions even more deplorable, and at the same time even harder to stop.  If he didn’t leave soon, he might do something he would regret, and possibly be sentenced to death for. 
    The girl’s lithe body was completely exposed to his hungry view, and it made him ache with need.  She turned, tiptoeing to the edge of the small pond, dipping one foot in to test the water.  He watched, in a mild hypnotia , as the delicate curve of her bottom bounced with every step.  His body tensed, the heat pooling in his groin.  His hand reached for his lap, once again trying to adjust himself to accommodate the added length.  His tongue trailed out to lick his lips.  He wanted this creature.  He wasn’t sure why, he had never felt such an urge towards a human before.  There was just something about her.  It wasn’t the first time he had seen her either.  She came here often.  More often than a lone female should in the middle of the night.  
    The girl dove headfirst into the pond, disturbing the placid water.  She disappeared under the surface for a few seconds before finally bobbing back up for air.  She came to rest on a large rock under the water, her breasts bobbing just above the surface. 
    He took a deep, steady breath, trying to subdue his urges and force himself to leave.  He was just beginning to win, but the girl’s next actions rooted him to the spot.  She looked around, as

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