YOU'RE MINE: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Carbone Crime Family)

Free YOU'RE MINE: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Carbone Crime Family) by Emma Spring

Book: YOU'RE MINE: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Carbone Crime Family) by Emma Spring Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Spring
good times we had, the times when we were close, and I don’t know what I’m going to do without him in my life.
    It’s going to be very hard, that’s for sure, but for now I need to focus on how this was allowed to happen. Who did it? And how are they going to be punished?
    But as I walk through the door, I manage to bash right into Enzo’s body, as he practically runs indoors.
    “Oh… whoa… hi…” I stammer, feeling my face heat up. I was expecting to just be able to walk out of here, without any worries, but it seems like I was wrong. “Are you… what are you…?”
    “Where are you going?” He asks, grabbing onto my shoulders to hold me in place. “You can’t leave! Do you understand the danger that you’re in?” He pushes me back inside the door, and an indignant rage starts to overtake me.
    What the hell is he playing at?
    Am I in danger here? Is Enzo going to attack me?
    “What are you doing?” I whine. “I’m going out to see Aiden, to work out what the hell happened to my dad.”
    “You can’t,” he shakes his head vigorously. “You’re in danger, the Irish are after you. Aiden isn’t your friend – he wants you dead…”
    “Wait,” I interrupt his bizarre rant, starting to grow increasingly frustrated with his attitude. “What are you on about? What do you know? Aiden has been in my life forever… I’ve only known you for a few days. Why on Earth would you think that I would trust you over him?”
    “Just trust me,” he insisted. “I have your best interests at heart. He doesn’t.”
    “Don’t act like you know about everything!” I yell, starting to lose my shit. Who the fuck does Enzo think he is? His insistence for me not to see Aiden has me feeling very suspicious.
    “Look, Aiden isn’t who you think he is. Just trust me on this one…”
    “Stop trying to turn me against everyone,” I warn him. “I’ve got my own damn mind, and I’ll do whatever the hell I want!”
    But as I try to walk out, he grabs onto my arm and he holds me in place. “You aren’t going anywhere,” he tells me, with an intense seriousness in his eyes. “You can think that I’m being a dick or whatever, but I’m doing this for your own good. You’re mine now, and I have to protect you. You might not be able to see the danger but I can. You’ll thank me for this in the end – I can promise you that much.”
    I stare him down, waiting for him to give in, but he isn’t going to. He’s determined to stick to this, and with his body weight compared to mine, and from what I saw earlier, I know that I don’t stand a chance. I can’t fight off someone like Enzo, no matter how hard I try. If he wants me to stay here, and he’s serious about that, then I’m screwed.
    So I storm off, racing toward his bedroom where he left me sleeping earlier. I know there’s a lock on that door, and I want to be shut in somewhere that he cannot get to me. I don’t want Enzo anywhere near me, and this is the best way I can achieve that.
    I hate him! I think to myself as I slam the door and I click the lock. What a dickhead! How dare he?
    But then the emotion gets to me, and the anger subsides, giving in to sadness. The reality of my dad dying really hits.
    He’s gone, and he’s never coming back.
    With that one thought in my mind, I collapse onto the bed and I allow the sobs to consume me.

Chapter 10

    W hat a God damn idiot !
    I can’t believe how much I’ve blown things with Sophia, but at the same time I couldn’t let her just go out there like that. If she’d gone to Aiden, the man who I’m pretty sure killed her father, then she could have ended up dead as well, and I’m in no way prepared to let that happen.
    “Don’t act like you know about everything!”
    “Stop trying to turn me against everyone.”
    “I’ve got my own damn mind, and I’ll do whatever the hell I want!”
    Her words tumble through my brain, making me feel even worse about our fight, but I had to do what I had

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