Amanda on the Danube: The Sounds of Music

Free Amanda on the Danube: The Sounds of Music by Darlene Foster

Book: Amanda on the Danube: The Sounds of Music by Darlene Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Foster
direction of the church.
    â€œBut, who is this guy and what does he want with the violin?” Leah asked.
    â€œI don’t know, but I sure would like to find out. Something weird is going on.”
    St. Stephan’s Cathedral
was printed on the plaque outside the giant front door. The girls entered with a crowd of sightseers. Amanda felt like an ant standing under the high vaulted ceiling. She noticed someone in red by the large stone pulpit which sat on a pillar in the middle of the nave. The girls followed the stairway that curved its way around the pillar from ground level to the pulpit.
    â€œLook at these toads and lizards decorating the railing,” said Amanda. “They look like they are biting each other. Oh, and look at the dog at the top of the stairs!”
    A guide smiled and explained, “This stone dog is here to protect the preacher from intruders. The toads and lizards symbolize the fight between good and evil. Medieval builders liked to include figures in their work.”
    Amanda was so intrigued she forgot to look out for the man in the red outfit.
    The guide pointed to a sign indicating stairs leading to the top of the steeple.
    â€œLet’s climb the stairs to the top. I bet there’s a great view.” Without waiting, Amanda started up the spiral staircase.
    â€œAmanda, there are 343 stairs!” Leah followed with a groan.
    â€œI know, but we’ll be able to see a lot. Come on.”
    The girls were breathless once they reached the top. They surveyed the panoramic view of Vienna.
    â€œSee, I told you this would be awesome,” Amanda declared.
    The small room at the top of the steeple was stuffy and crowded. Above them hung thirteen bells, each with its own name. One bell began to chime just as Amanda spotted a red coat among the crowd.
    â€œHey, you!” she shouted.
    The person in the red coat descended the stairs. Amanda followed, shoving her way between the many tourists. When she got to the bottom, he was nowhere to be seen. She waited patiently for Leah.
    â€œWhat took you so long?”
    â€œThere was a long queue and I couldn’t get past. What is it about this guy anyway?”
    â€œI’m not sure, but I have a feeling he could lead us to the violin, or David, or something. Besides, he seems familiar, don’t you think?”
    â€œHe’s probably just another guy trying to sell opera tickets!” Leah bit her lip.
    A guide handed the girls a brochure. Amanda glanced through it. “It says here that Mozart was married in this cathedral and had a pauper’s funeral here too. He had no money when he died, but his funeral was paid for by a wealthy patron of music. I guess a lot of famous people are buried in this church.” She glanced around as if expecting a ghost. “Look at that huge coffin over there.”
    â€œWhat is with you and graveyards and tombs?” Leah lifted her eyebrows. “You are so weird.” She followed Amanda over to a massive pinkish stone tomb with hideous creatures carved all around it.
    Amanda checked her brochure. “This is the tomb of Emperor Frederick III. The creatures are supposed to be trying to wake up the deceased emperor.”
    â€œThis is too spooky for me, let’s leave,” said Leah.
    â€œWait a minute!”
    In the dim light, Amanda noticed something purple on the floor near the corner of the tomb. She walked over, bent down and picked up a girl’s jacket. Her jacket. The one that went missing along with David.

    H e’s here! He has to be. Leah, we must find him.” Amanda shook her missing coat in front of her friend’s face. “Maybe the guy in the red coat is looking for him too. There must be a connection.” She stuffed her jacket into her backpack.
    â€œAmanda, this is a big place. If he is here, how will we ever find him?”
    â€œMaybe he’s down there.” Amanda walked toward a sign by some stairs.
    To the

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