
Free Drawn by Lilliana Anderson

Book: Drawn by Lilliana Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilliana Anderson
arm resting on the top of the seat behind me, just close enough to brush against my skin as the train jostles us about. It seems as though a grin has been placed firmly upon my face. Silently, I thank my mother for getting my dad to let me out tonight.
    Oh, and I guess I should thank Damien a little too. After all, he did convince my father I could take care of myself. Damien is in the same carriage, but he’s not sitting with us, nor is he wearing red. He’s head to toe black again, as he sits next to the stair well with a couple of his friends and that girl, Bec. I don’t know why, but I really dislike her. I think it’s the way she looks at me – like I’m beneath her or something.
    We all walk in a massive group up Church Street until we arrive at the bar. For a while we need to wait in line . I find it amusing as passers-by turn their heads at the wall of red clad party goers that weaves up the street, waiting to get inside.
    The moment we step through the doors, we’re enveloped in the thumping beat of the room. It’s not only the music, but the energy in here too. Everyone is excited and ready for a good time.
    “Drinks?” Karl yells over the music, tilting his hand toward his face in the ‘drinkie drinkie’ motion.
    Aaron takes my hand and guides me toward a table as Karl and Daniel go and get everyone some of the discounted drinks. For the next hour, we all sit around the table, initially sharing chairs until we loosen up a bit and girls start to make their way onto boys’ laps as the alcohol continues to flow. Before I know it, I’ve lost count. Everyone wants to shout me a drink to celebrate my eighteenth, and I’m really feeling it.
    When I watch Kensi drag Jeremy onto the dance floor, I decide that’s exactly what I want to do too.
    “Dance with me,” I yell over the music, tugging on Aaron’s hand. Smiling, he follows me onto the dance floor as I bounce around, swaying to the music.
    He pulls me toward him, swaying along with me. “Are you having a good time?” he asks next to my ear.
    “Yeah. The best,” I grin, sliding my arms up around his shoulders, my head fuzzy and my vision slightly blurred. “You’re very tall,” I comment, the thought coming to me suddenly. “I like that you’re tall.”
    “And you’re a little drunk,” he laughs.
    “Me? No, I’m just really happy. You’re the one who’s drunk,” I say, trying not to trip over my words as my lips lose their feeling. 
    “It’s true . I’m pretty fucking smashed actually.” 
    “I’m not smashed. I’m just really happy,” I say again, as if it’s the first time I’ve come out with it.
    He laughs at me. “I’m happy too. Although, do you know what would make me really happy?”
    I look at him and bounce my shoulders, wanting to know the answer.
    “This,” he says, as he stops dancing and takes my face into his hands. He tilts his head down toward me and I feel small. I feel gloriously small.
    As our lips collide, my insides melt. I’ve never lost my attraction toward Aaron, and to have him kissing me again, feels wonderful, like I’m re-visiting a favourite holiday destination. I can’t tell you how long Aaron and I dance and make out for, but eventually we come up for air.
    “Do you want another drink?” he asks.
    “Definitely,” I agree. “I’ll meet you at the bar. I need to visit the ladies room first.”
    “Sure thing,” he smiles, kissing me briefly before heading back toward the bar.
    As I push my way through the crowd toward the bathrooms, my head starts spinning. I touch my hand to my forehead, suddenly not feeling so good.
    Slamming my hand against the door, I step through before realising that I’ve exited into a back alley. There’s not a huge amount of lighting out here and my drunken mind is struggling to focus.
    But I’m sure I see people. People fighting.
    “What the hell?” I question , as I step a little closer. There’s a lot of yelling going on as a group of about twenty

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