Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold

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Book: Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
how did you come by it?”
    Morwenna’s question was a loaded one but Decius could see no advantage in lying.  He would lie when necessary but this occasion did not merit a lie.  “I was in charge of the Wyddfa gold mines.” His focus was fixed on Tadgh and he did not see the sudden spark of interest in Morwenna’s green eyes.
    “Did you exhaust the mines then?”
    Laughing Decius shook his head.  “We could have dug for another twenty years and not exhausted them.”
    “Then why did you stop?”
    He shrugged, “Rome was becoming a little too interested in what I was taking.”
    “I see.  You were taking for Rome but keeping most of it for yourself.  Very enterprising. And now it has been taken from you by me.”
    He stopped and faced Morwenna looking at her shrewdly.  “Yes but you have a plan for me otherwise we would have all died around our camp fire and you would not have done as much to save Tiny.”
    “Do you see Tadgh; you did not smash the intelligence from this thief. No Decius we have a reason for saving your life.  You and your men look resourceful and I need resourceful men.  I need more resourceful men to enable us to continue with the rebellion. Your gold will fund that.”
    “What is in it for me?”
    Tadgh’s hand went to his sword, “Your life you dog!”
    “No Tadgh he is quite right and I would suspect that if our new friends did not benefit from our new arrangement then we would soon lose them.  Am I not right?”
    Spreading his hands Decius nodded, “We would need persuasion.  My men are mercenaries and work for money not ideals.”
    “Good for they are the kind of men I can use. Here is the honey for you to sweeten the deal. When you have helped me to raise an army and rid this part of Britannia of my enemies I will return your money to you and help you to escape this land.” Decius began to nod his agreement. “There is however another condition, before I allow you to go you will take me and Tadgh to this gold mine so that we may extract more of the treasure of Wyddfa.”
    Decius was more than interested.  Perhaps he could delay taking over the group until they were back at Wyddfa.  If he had Morwenna’s army he could get even more gold and it would easier to rid himself of Tadgh and his thugs in a land he was familiar with. “You have my support and that of my men.”
    “And of course as an equal, my men and I will have our weapons returned.”
    Morwenna stared deep into his eyes and Decius found himself almost blinking with the power. “Of course but do not betray me for I am a priestess of the Mother and I can see into your black and treacherous heart.”
    Internally Delicious shuddered although outwardly he appeared calm.  Had he misjudged the woman before him?  He would have to go along with her, at least for the foreseeable future; especially until he had found where she had buried the gold. “My men and I will be loyal. Your majesty.” Tadgh’s snort of derision spoke volumes and he led them back up the hill. The relief on the faces of Centurion and Tiny, as they walked back into the encampment touched Decius.  He could see them exchange a look as they both nodded at each other.  It was obvious to Decius that they thought he had been taken away for a quick execution.  He would have to speak to them privately as soon as possible.  The others were just battle fodder as far as Decius was concerned but he needed his two most loyal comrades to help him to escape.
    Morwenna addressed the camp.  “Tomorrow we begin to buy weapons and men.  Today we rest and, “here she looked at Decius’ men, “and recuperate.  Sallustius you sit with me while I feed the child.  I would learn more of your story,” she glanced up at Tiny and Centurion lurking nearby, “and tell your giants that you are safe while you are in my land.”
    Decius smiled and turned to Centurion and Tiny.  “Do not worry.  Later we will talk.” Centurion saw the look in

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