Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold

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Book: Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
Decius’ eye and nodded, leading Tiny to the fire and the food.
    “Sallustius?” Was that not the name of the Governor of Britannia?” She paused to place the babe on the nipple and to gauge the effect of her next comment, “the one executed for treason.”
    “He was my uncle and was the grandson of Cunobelinus the last king of Britannia and he was executed for naming a lance after himself.”
    She smiled.  “And you believe that no more than any other British prince.  He would have rebelled had he not been discovered.”
    Decius shook his head, “I don’t know but it is irrelevant now.  He is dead.”
    “You of course are of the royal bloodline as am I. Are you not?”
    “I suppose we are but does it matter now that the Romans rule both your lands and mine?”
    “What was taken can be returned.” Already an idea was forming in Morwenna’s mind.  A child born to the two of them would have a much wider appeal to the people of Britannia; uniting two of the more important tribes in a single dynasty. It could even be a boy. She almost chuckled at the thought of The Mother weaving her strands and plans to create such a possible future.  The Mother had brought Decius to her and she had thought it was for the gold but now she could see another motive just as powerful. She leaned over and said quietly, “When it is night time come to my cave I would speak further with you.”
    “Your wish is my command. I will obey you in all things.” He walked back to his comrades bemused.  Was she flirting with him? Perhaps he had been wrong and she was not as distant as he had thought. His charms and attraction must still be working on women, as they normally did.  When he reached the fire and the food he was quite cheerful. He playfully punched Tiny’s enormous bicep. “It is good to see you awake.  We thought for a while that you had gone to the Allfather.”
    “When the time is right Tadgh will feel a much heavier blow from me.  Tiny does not forget.”
    Decius leaned in conspiratorially, “Well for the time being let us play nicely with our hosts.  There will be a time for revenge but for a while, at least, we will go along with them and be keen and loyal rebels.” He turned to Centurion.  “Have you found the gold yet?”
    “So far they have not let us move away from the area around the cave entrance. I glanced down the cave and could not see it and the ground here is too rocky. “He gestured around them.  “The Romans must have used this as a quarry for their fort and tower.  They must have put it somewhere else but it will be close.”
    “I know it will be hard but let us be friendly towards the warriors.  It may be that they will tell us what we wish to know if we can gain their favour.”
    “It will be hard. Tiny and I would just like ten minutes alone with some of those who attacked us.”
    “As would I but look at the situation.  We are safer here than we were.  The gold is safe even though we know not where it is and we can sleep at night without the worry of having our throats slit. Our day will come. The Queen wants us to take her back to the mines at Wyddfa.”
    Centurion looked surprised. “What?  Now?”
    “No later, when we have raised an army.”
    “Isn’t that risky returning there?”
    “No for they must have searched already and assumed we have fled and besides when we return we will have an army with us.  We will be safe.”
    “And once in the mines…”
    “Exactly.  So let us make the best of this. Build up our strength.  Arm ourselves and find where the gold is.  Then we can make our move.”
    The land south of Brocauum was teeming with bandits and deserters. They preyed on the small isolated hamlets and the merchants bringing good to the forts and new settlements close to the border. It was a hand to mouth existence but at least they were free from the Roman yoke.  Their weapons and equipment were so poor that they could not take on soldiers but anything else

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