Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold

Free Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold by Griff Hosker

Book: Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
but they are not a happy people.  They do not like our presence.”
    “But we both know that it is necessary for this was one of the centres of the rebellion.”
    “Exactly but we have heard nothing of the Queen who led it.  Perhaps she is dead.”
    The clerk returned with the wine and after he left Livius shook his head.  “No we have heard nothing and I am sure that we would have heard if Morwenna had died.  Have you any idea where she and her army could be?”
    “I am not sure that she has an army.  We destroyed most of them at the battle of Morbium. My guess is that she fled north to the savages.”
    “Could be.” His tone implied that he was doubtful about that. He swallowed off his wine. “The other reason we are here is to find a patrol of engineers which headed west after the last snows.  They are surveying a new road for the Ninth who will be following us.”
    “They didn’t pass here.  Perhaps they went further south. If they did they could be in trouble.”
    “Why is that?”
    “We have few travellers from that direction but those who do travel from the south speak of bandits and groups of survivor from the rebel army.  When your lot were on patrol that didn’t happen but they can out run my lads and our task is to stop the northern savages from invading again so they pretty much have a free rein.”
    “So the frontier is not safe then?”
    “No it is like a tinderbox.  Luguvalium is always being attacked, only small scale stuff but it means we have to keep our patrols larger than we would like.  It is why the Prefect is out with two centuries on a patrol up the road. I will be glad when the Ninth get here.  A legion as a back up is always handy.”
    “Well I can’t see them getting over for a month or so, longer if I can’t find this patrol. Well I will go and find my other men.  I will send Marius back with any information we gather.”
    Later that morning is the patrol gathered to share information Livius became concerned. Drusus had a troubled look on his face. “You had better tell the lads in the fort that the town is unhappy.  There are a bunch of troublemakers.  We did as you suggested and let them think that we were deserters from the Roman army and they welcomed us with open arms. They suggested we head south west to the big forest where they reckoned we would find like minded men. They all have weapons hidden and are waiting for the chance to rise again.  They thought that if we were deserters there may be more.  It seemed to encourage them to open up.”
    “Any leaders here then?”
    “No they were a little cagey about that but they know the routine well.  They told us to avoid the road to Luguvalium because the Prefect was there with a big patrol and they know the routines in the fort.”
    “Well done Drusus. Drusus, go back and tell the Centurion what Drusus said and tell him I suggest changing his routines perhaps have a few searches.” Marius nodded and left. “We had better head south west.  I am less than happy about this patrol of engineers.  If they ran into a big group of deserters or rebels they would not stand a chance.”
    “How come they only sent a small patrol?”
    “The Governor thought we had rid the land of the rebels and thought it was safe. His priority is the road so that we can use the Classis Britannica on this side of the island as well as the other.”
    Morwenna and Tadgh walked through the woods with Decius. Tiny had taken just one night to recover and accepted the new situation with his normal stoicism. After a more pleasant night’s sleep Decius had begun formulating his plans to take over the group.  When he had had been asked to accompany Tadgh and Morwenna he had been suspicious.  Would he suffer a knife in the back?  He did not like to be without the support and protection of Tiny and Centurion but he was now, effectively, a prisoner and would have to go along with his captors.
    “You have a huge amount of treasure there

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