The Love Letter

Free The Love Letter by Erica Matthews

Book: The Love Letter by Erica Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Matthews
    “I hope you’re happy,” he said in a low tone. “Once again you’ve managed to involve me in something disagreeable.”
    Sabrina sank down into the grass to adjust the strap of her sandal looking not at all concerned by the frown marring her companion’s face. “ Aren’t you overreacting? It’s not like she caught us doing anything. Besides, Juliet doesn’t look like the jealous type, and anyone with eyes can see that in any competition with her, I’m going to be the loser.”
    Meredith found his annoyance slipping away during this long speech. “There are so many absurdities in your statements I hardly know where to begin.”
    Having regained her feet, Sabrina threw him an impish smile that he had a hard time ignoring. “That’s good because I don’t have time to listen to you anyway.”
    “Ye s, I know all about your ongoing duties. I suppose it’s time to bake a pie. Just try to stay on your feet. I won’t be here this afternoon to rescue you.”
    For a moment, he thought she was going to hurl the book in his direction for a second time, but instead she left him without uttering a single word.
    Sabrina made her way to the kitchen. Meredith’s mockery of her actions stung, but didn’t surprise her. In his eyes, she would never do anything right. But no hurtful words of his could take away the pleasure she experienced when he held her in his arms. She would endure much worse from him if she thought it might produce the same result.
    As she gathered ingredients for the cream cake that would be served during afternoon tea, a sudden chill went through her. Had she really sunk to such a level? Is this what being in love had done to her? It seemed pathetic to take happiness from an experience that had been so entirely one-sided.
    By the time her sister put in appearance, Sabrina had managed to subdue the turbulent thoughts flying around in her head.
    “ What are you doing? I told you to rest,” Casey accused with a frown.
    Ignorin g the question, Sabrina held out the spatula in her hand. “Taste this. Something is missing.”
    Casey swiped a bit of the foamy white mixture and plopped it into her mouth. “It needs more vanilla, otherwise it’s perfect.” She waited until the batter was safely in the oven before she spoke again. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
    “ Stop fussing - I’m fine. What are your plans for tonight? Are you still giving John the cold shoulder?”
    Casey smiled faintly. “That’s proving to be a difficult task. He refuses to take no for an answer. If he wants to come over and watch me at the front desk, that’s up to him.”
    “Don’t use me as an excuse. I’m more than capable of taking my turn at desk duty.”
    “I’ll only agree if you promise to let me finish the cake. Seriously, Sabrina, you still don’t look quite right.”
    Sabrina wondered if she would ever look right again. “All right, you win, but take my advice and go light on the icing; the cake is sweet enough on its own.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    Later that evening, Sabrina abandoned the desk and curled up on the loveseat in the inn’s parlor. With a sigh, she opened the book in her lap and began to read. After a few minutes, she wasn’t aware of anything else.
    Meredith had done what all good writers do – he had pulled her into the story. Sabrina wasn’t slow to appreciate his cunningly developed plot and skillfully cultivated characters.
    A call from someone wanting a reservation interrupted her. When she resumed her seat, she didn’t immediately return to reading. Instead, she turned to the picture on the back cover. Her fingers went to the dark wave of hair that fell forward over the high forehead as if to move it back and she laughed self-consciously. What was she doing?
    She closed the book just as the front door of the inn opened. Confused at finding herself confronted with the object of her thoughts, she hastily swung her feet to the floor.
    Meredith’s eyes went to

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