Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1)

Free Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1) by Dee J. Stone

Book: Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1) by Dee J. Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee J. Stone
They’re magical, exotic, anything but human. Nothing like I’ve ever seen before.
    His hand tangles in my hair, messing it up, but I don’t care. All I think about is his lips on mine and his hand caressing my cheek. I’m in another portal now, floating on a cloud. I don’t want him to break away, because once he does, this moment, this magical moment, will be gone and we’ll never get it back.
    When we finally stop to breathe, Sebastian lowers my head to his chest, stroking the side of it. He doesn’t say a word, and neither do I, but thoughts cloud my head. What was that? It’s something I’ve never experienced before. Never felt before. I’ve dreamed and wished to be like the women in romance novels and movies, but that’s nothing compared to what just happened.
    Sebastian’s heart is beating at an erratic pace. His chest rises and falls rapidly, and I swear his arms are a little weak, since they’re trembling a bit. I want to ask what exactly that was. What am I to him? What does he feel? But I keep my mouth shut because I’m scared he’ll give me the answers I don’t want. Here with my head resting on his chest is perfect. I don’t want to ruin it. I don’t want to think. Just feel. I shut my eyes, taking in his sweet smell and soft skin. I can stay here forever, in his arms and swaying to the soft music.
    I don’t know how long we remain like this before something that feels like a table slams against me, and I crash to the floor. When I look up, I see all the furniture is back and I’m wearing my jeans and T-shirt. The walls are back to their usual, white selves.
    The fantasy—my magical night—is over.
    Sebastian stands up, his eyes on mine. The fantasy may have been just a fantasy, but the kiss sure wasn’t. His lips are a little swollen, his chest is still rising and falling. There’s a look on his face that I don’t understand. It’s not anger, not confusion. And—my heart drops—it isn’t happiness, delight, or passion, either. He doesn’t seem as moved as I am.
    Without a word, he transforms into a cloud of smoke and shoots to my room, where the lamp is. I chase after him and pick the lamp up. Sure enough, the swirls are there, which means he’s inside.
    I run my finger along it, softly so he won’t come out. As much as I want him to, I can see he doesn’t. After placing the lamp on the table, I walk to the window and peer out. Sebastian and I shared a kiss, a kiss that was so passionate it couldn’t be real. But it was very, very real, as was Sebastian’s rejection. It cuts deep, to places I didn’t know could feel so much pain.
    I press my forehead to the window and shut my eyes. In those few minutes in Sebastian’s arms, I didn’t think about Daisy or my mom. All that mattered was the feeling of his lips on mine. Now that it’s over, everything comes crashing down on me.

Chapter Ten
    Monday mornings suck. After the weekend, it’s hard to get back to work. But on this particular Monday, I don’t want to get out of bed for another reason. I dozed off by the window last night and woke up at five in the morning. I don’t know what I was thinking, hoping that Sebastian would be in my room, waiting for me. Whatever happened between us…I’m not sure what to make of it. What to make of him. Obviously I like him in a way I shouldn’t, and if he doesn’t feel the same…then what? I make two wishes and send him packing? But the thought of him no longer being in my life tears me apart. I want to see that sweet smile, to see his intense eyes filled with passion, curiosity, intrigue. I don’t want him to leave.
    My eyes drift to the lamp sitting on my night table. He’s still inside, which doesn’t surprise me since he doesn’t have to get up early for work. I don’t understand why he kissed me. He told me he has no “needs.” Why would he kiss me? And it wasn’t just a kiss. It was a kiss . I felt many things from him, but not the most important one: his true

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