Charlie's Heart: MC Romance (Burning Bastards MC Book 3)

Free Charlie's Heart: MC Romance (Burning Bastards MC Book 3) by Ryder Dane

Book: Charlie's Heart: MC Romance (Burning Bastards MC Book 3) by Ryder Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryder Dane
Tags: Romance, Women's Fiction, MC Romance, biker romance, biker mc
element’ of the county. He still wasn’t convinced that the woman was worth the price.
    Seeing how miserable the greybeard had become since he rescued her from the shine maker, it didn’t sit right. Knowing that he would have sacrificed just about anything for Future, his wife. He understood Charlie’s thinking, but what kind of love was it going to be between the two older people. When only one is willing to give up everything in his life that made life worth living, while the other one kept her own lifestyle. A love like that would kill a man like his old mentor, and Big Dog considered her to be a selfish bitch.
    He sent Charlie on a wild goose chase and he would swear he hadn’t done any such thing before admitting he wanted to keep the old man out of trouble when the shit hit the fan. No one fucked with a brother, and the sheriff and his fuck buddy, Buel, were as good as dead. The wheels were in motion, and Pressley’s father-figure would be nowhere around to draw suspicion. So now he would deal with the judge and go about his business.
    “So what can I do for you, your Honor? We were enjoying a take-out pizza and a movie when you called. I’m sure you want to know that Steven is doing great in school and his teacher is happy with his progress.”
    “I recused myself from Pressley’s case yesterday. In fact I decided to make sure the boy gets a fair shake. They have nothing other than the sheriff’s statement. They wanted me to rule so they could accuse me of a conflict of interest and I am not as stupid as they believe me to be.” Big Dog watched as she folded her hands on the desk in front of her and watched his face as she gave him the news.
    “I sent the file to Dean Plyer, he is the Attorney General for the state, and I spoke to him last evening on the phone. We agreed that the sheriff is shady here, in fact Dean told me some rather interesting facts pertaining to the man. Long story short, I have an order from the attorney general releasing Pressley into your custody. You have sole responsibility to make decisions for him medically and in his personal dealings, and financial affairs. In short, you are now the temporary guardian of one Elvis Collier.”
    In no part of his imagination did he even consider that she would have gone to such lengths to help one of the Bastards. He studied the papers in front of him and saw the signature. Being a member of an MC group was always a gamble when it came to the law. He didn’t trust any public servant that carried a badge and a gun. Logic told him that the majority of cops were decent people just doing their jobs. The faction of abusive fucks tarnished all of them in the eyes of most biker communities. Houser was one of the bad ones and should have been double tapped a few years ago.
    He nodded his head and began to stand, but her next question tested his code about staying out of the brother’s personal business. She’d done them a solid and he was not going to lie to her in return.
    “I want to know if Charlie is still a member of the Burning Bastards, or did you kick him out when he came to stay with me, it’s a simple question, and I want an answer if you please. He smiles at home, and I know he still rides his bike, but I know he isn’t happy. He acts like his best friend died even when he tries to smile for my benefit. I’m not ashamed to say I love him, don’t you understand? I want him to be happy.”
    He stood and went to the door, turned back and asked her, “Well, the way I see it. He has given up everything he is to be with you. I’m not talking about the hair and beard here, he hides his tats, he doesn’t wear his colors, and the few times he does ride, he rides away from here most of the time, so people that know you don’t get offended. Let me ask you a question. How much more of his life will you demand he give up for you? You already have his balls in your purse, what’s next, you want him to open a vein so you can sit in a courtroom

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