Firemancer Collection (Fated Saga Box Set Book 1)

Free Firemancer Collection (Fated Saga Box Set Book 1) by R. H. D'aigle

Book: Firemancer Collection (Fated Saga Box Set Book 1) by R. H. D'aigle Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. H. D'aigle
“Let’s go,” said Meghan. At the same moment, footsteps crunching on dead leaves echoed out of the woods. The twins hid behind a nearby tree trunk.
       “Probably someone hiking through,” thought Colin to his sister.
       “Yeah probably,” she thought back.
       Still, they stayed hidden.
       Down the dirt roadway, two shadows emerged from the pine thick and crossed the road, heading into the campground.
       “Weren’t they from the Gypsy camp?” asked Colin, thinking he recognized the two men.
       “I think they are,” agreed Meghan. Wonder what they’re up to ? Colin heard her thinking. “Let’s get a little closer,” she suggested in an excited whisper.
       “Really? Closer? I don’t think that is such a good idea, Sis.”
       She eyed him with her we are doing it whether you want to or not look.
       “Fine,” he conceded.
       “C’mon,” she encouraged. “We don’t want to take too long.” They did not take two steps, however, when two more people, this time definitely identifiable as men from the Gypsy camp, walked out of the woods.
       Meghan grabbed Colin and they ducked into a ditch. This time, the two men stopped at the edge of the road and spoke to each other.
       “All precautions have been checked and double checked, Vian Sadorus, sir. The schedule is set and we should be on time. Barring any unforeseen incidents, of course.” He glanced into the sky, looking apprehensive.
       “We are the last ones out, correct?” authoritatively questioned the one named Vian Sadorus. He was a fierce looking man that the twins recognized instantly, as he wore the same boisterous, too-warm-for-the-season coat.
       “Yes, sir. We are the last out. Everyone else is back at camp, readying for departure.”
       The man named Sadorus nodded and the two crossed the road and disappeared through the woods toward their campsite.
       “Why would anyone leave the camp through the woods?” asked Colin, bewildered.
       Once the coast was clear, the twins dug themselves out of the ditch. As they wiped dead leaves and bugs off their clothes, Meghan eagerly stepped closer to the path the men had come from.
       “There is no way they are leaving through there. They must have been talking about preparations to leave, while on a hike or something.”
       “I don’t think so, Sis,” Colin retorted. “No hiking gear. Couldn’t have been going far, could they?”
       “You know, that’s true. Why don’t we walk in a little ways? See what’s in there.”
       “Uncle Arnon expects us home, we should get back,” he reasoned, wishing he had kept his mouth shut.
       “No weaseling. It will only take a sec. Like you said, it can’t be far.” She took off down the path.
       Colin knew he would never live it down if he went back to camp without her. Tentatively, he followed. After just a few steps down the path, the pine trees were so thick that no sun could filter through. It was as if the sun had suddenly set.
       “We better not get lost,” said Colin, nervously.
       “Shh. Use your inner voice, just in case .” Meghan said through her mind.
       “We better not get lost,” he repeated with his inner voice. This time Meghan ignored him.
       Fifty steps or so in they came to a small clearing where a fallen pine tree lay on the ground. Surprisingly, most of the needles were still intact on the tree’s long limbs.  
       “This cannot be where they were coming from,” muttered Meghan, noticing fresh footsteps circling the tree.
       “Inside voices please,” shot Colin to her silently.
       She scowled her reply.
       “The path ends here, as well as the footprints,” sent Colin.
       The fallen tree had nine hidden spaces; each created by the way the pine branches had fallen. A few people could easily fit into each space at the same time.
       “This would make an awesome fort,” mused Colin, accidentally out loud. He corrected the

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