Wilderness Target

Free Wilderness Target by Sharon Dunn

Book: Wilderness Target by Sharon Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Dunn
together, the group can be told the situation and then decide whether they want to continue or head back down the mountain.”
    “Really? We’re going to involve everyone?”
    “Those people care about you already. Jan treats you like you’re her long-lost daughter.”
    Clarissa turned to face forward, obviously thinking deeply about what he had said.
    “All of this is because of me. It’s me they’re after. I’m the one who should head back down the mountain.” Despite the resolve in the words, he could hear that her voice was filled with fear.
    “Clarissa, we make these decisions as a team.”
    “Maybe you could point me toward that little town you said was on the other side of the mountain. I think I would be safe there.”
    “It would be irresponsible of me to send you off alone. What kind of a man do you think I am?”
    “It’s just that all these people paid for a wilderness adventure, and my problems shouldn’t get in the way of that. I don’t know if those men will even come back.” Her eyes glazed with tears and he was struck by the guilt that he saw there.
    His fingers grazed her cheek, and he spoke more tenderly. “We’ll figure this out together as a group.”
    The drone of the rainfall was interrupted by a cry. Both of them turned to face outward.
    She gripped his upper arm. “Was that human?”
    He leaned out a little more, listening and studying the landscape. They were surrounded by trees except for a path that led back to the river. Another cry rose up. This one was more distinct, but still far away.
    “That might be one of our group. I have to go check it out.”
    She moved to follow him.
    “You stay here.”
    “But it’s raining buckets out there. You’ll get wet.” She moved to take off the shirt.
    “Keep it. I’ll take the poncho.” He slipped into it and put up the hood while he crouched beneath the roof of the shelter.
    Rain gushed over him as he stepped out into the wind. He looked back to see Clarissa huddled with her legs drawn up to her chest and her head down. She wouldn’t stay dry for long with that leaky roof. He found some fallen tree branches and placed them on the roof, then bent over and looked in at her. “That should help keep you dry.”
    She hugged her knees with her arms. “Thank you.”
    “Promise me you’ll stay here until I get back. This is the safest place for you until this storm lets up.”
    He heard another cry. This time he could discern the word help. The sound was coming from upriver. “Promise me, Clarissa.”
    She looked up at him and nodded. That look in her eyes was like that of an animal caught in a trap, filled with desperation.
    “I’ll come back for you. Just stay here.”
    With only a backward glance, Ezra plodded toward the river. The water had risen and was rushing even faster. He made his way along the bank toward where he’d heard the call for help.
    He prayed that he’d make it in time to rescue whoever was crying out, and that the others were safe and dry on high ground. More than anything he prayed that Clarissa would stay put until he could come back for her, and wouldn’t think she had to go off on her own.

    C larissa slipped back into a corner of the shelter where it didn’t seem to be leaking as much. She gathered the straw around her. Her shivering had subsided thanks to Ezra’s warm flannel shirt. The heat from his body had seeped through her skin when she’d put it on. His kindness had caught her off guard.
    He’d been angry at her deception, and rightly so. But the care he took with her, making sure she was safe and dry, confused her. Sending her packing down the mountain alone after what she had done would have made more sense to her. She had hurt his business and could have jeopardized the safety of the others in the group.
    Max Fitzgerald was not Ezra Jefferson’s problem. And yet he was willing to take it on. What if Max’s thugs did come back? The memory of Jan helping her, of laughing and joking

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