dreadful fundraiser mommy is giving. You absolutely must come or I’ll never forgive you.” Without waiting for a reply, she blew him a kiss, curtly nodded to Chantelle and left them.
Justin gave Chantelle a quirky look. “She is a piece of work.” He said without drama. “I dated her on and off for a bit, but I’ll never date her again.” They both looked at each other and laughed. Their shared bond was above and beyond that of people who had been together for years. They both wondered how it was that they had developed such an attraction so quickly. The thought crossed Chantelle’s mind that this may have been the very attraction that allowed them to make marital vows when their guard was down.
After a lovely dinner, they turned down dessert. They had both eaten their fill and the restaurant was beginning to feel stuffy to them both. Dan was waiting to help them into their car. Once inside, Justin turned to her and said, “I know we turned down dessert, but I know I’m gonna need ice cream when we get home.”
He smiled and leaned forward to Dan. He didn’t like to use the intercom to talk to Dan because it seemed too impersonal. “Hey, Dan! We need to find the closest place to buy good ice cream. No, wait! We need GREAT ice cream!”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Fullerton!” Justin snorted at the use of his formal name by Dan and they sped off.
This time the doorman was able to greet Justin in his normal fashion as they walked into the building. The two had come to share bits of news on subjects that interested them both. Justin was not only a good tipper, but also treated the people who provided him with daily comforts as equals. Chantelle and Justin had soon traversed the lobby and went into the private elevator.
As soon as the door shut, the sexual tension elevated. Chantelle couldn’t help her feelings of excitement as they went to his home. It didn’t matter to her if it was a penthouse. She was beginning to care for this man and where he lived didn’t seem to be an issue. She loved that he enjoyed small pleasures, like ice cream. This was a trait that money couldn’t buy and she couldn’t wait to snuggle up with a bowl of ice cream and maybe even him.
He held the door as they went into his home. “I know your things are at your hotel, but I would like you to consider the guest room as your own in case… well, I don’t know…”
His sudden discomposure made Chantelle laugh lightly. “Thank you, if I want a little privacy, or to freshen up, I will be glad to make myself at home in that room. You happen to have one of my favorite paintings on the wall.”
This conversation opened their eyes to the similarities in their personalities and ideas about the world. One conversation led to another. Chantelle had slipped off her shoes and made herself comfortable. The vibrant scarf was draped over the bed in the guest room. Justin started the fire and they curled up with soft, cashmere throws and bowls of chocolate caramel ice cream.
Justin decided that liqueur would add just the right touch to the dessert and once she tasted it, Chantelle couldn’t have agreed more.
As they discussed the events of the day, Justin watched as the firelight played across her shiny hair. Before he could stop himself, he ran his hands down her hair and put it gently on her shoulder. The soft fabric of her blouse felt like a great barrier to him. He looked at her beseechingly.
He didn’t want to impose his own ideas on her, but he knew that their evening had been nothing less than magical. Her hand slowly went to his face. She ran her fingers across the evening stubble of his chin. Their eyes never disengaged and there seemed to be a magnetic pull between their bodies.
Justin moved closer and said in a hushed voice, “I… you… you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
A slight shadow crossed her face as she digested these words. He saw her hesitation and responded. “Chantelle, I mean it. I haven’t been