and some kind of device that she didn’t recognize… “a pick!” Chantelle definitely didn’t have an afro, but the sight of the pick set her into a fit of laughter. This was the first time their racial differences had even been referred to.
Chantelle almost doubled over. The relief of laughter loosed every muscle in her body. Before it became awkward, Justin, who was also laughing, went on. “Also, in case you happen to be traveling with someone of the Caucasian persuasion…” At this he did a little flourish with his hands as if he were a magician. “We have this!!” He pulled out a blond wig for a man. At this they both leaned over, laughing.
They didn’t see the driver flick his eyes to them and grin to himself. Dan, the distinguished driver and life-long father type figure to Justin, had never seen Justin cut loose like this. He had seen him relax with his friends and have a good time, but this was new. Justin seemed like the man and the boy all at once. He had opened himself up to this woman without even knowing it.
Meanwhile, Justin was explaining to Chantelle that the wig was there because of a joke Sam had played on him while they were out. It was a silly prank and it was a lot of fun. It wasn’t something Justin would talk about with his artistic friends, his business contacts, and especially his father, but it showed the brotherly bond between Sam, Glenn, Tim, and Justin.
“Alright, alright.” Chantelle gave her best impression of a school marm look, which was hard to pull off with her sexy dark eyes, long lashes, and lips that begged to be kissed. “How much time do I have?”
Justin was still smiling, but looked at his Rolex. “We have about fifteen minutes, mah lady.”
“I can work with that.” Chantelle got down to business. She adjusted the mirror, pulled a few makeup necessities from her bag, and grabbed the small bottle of hair product that would save the day. Justin had seen women put on lipstick before. He always thought it was silly when they tried to be sexy when they were really just sloshing some color on their face, but watching Chantelle was like watching an artist at work.
She shed the lovely yet professional jacket that just wouldn’t do for the restaurant. She was glad that the pale blue blouse had not been stained when it got wet earlier in the day. Justin’s dry cleaners had worked wonders! The skirt of the suit would have looked matronly on some women, but the fabric was light enough to pass for early evening wear and on Chantelle, it took on a sensual look since she filled it out in a way that made Justin want to act like a caveman.
She unbuttoned two buttons on her blouse and the good cut of the blouse allowed it to open enough to show her fine collarbone under her bronze skin. The opening of the blouse followed her chest down to show the beginning of the swells of her breasts without making her look scandalous. Next, she took the scarf and flared it open. She draped it over her shoulder in a way that transformed the entire look of the outfit from business to something more formal. She managed her hair and made some adjustments to brighten her makeup for evening.
Justin sat in amazement while she transformed herself from a woman of business to a woman of creative beauty. He had spent many hours waiting for his mother and other women to transform themselves from one societal expectation to another and in less than fifteen minutes with only the clothes on her back and a darker coat of eyeliner and a bit of lipstick, Chantelle had made herself into a beauty he could take anywhere.
They pulled into the restaurant and Dan came around to help them out of the car. She didn’t feel particularly intimidated by The Pavilion, and so the beginning of their dinner was quite restful. Justin was kind enough to ask if she would like him to order for her or if she would order for herself. She was relieved that she had asked him to go ahead and order when he gave the order in
Reshonda Tate Billingsley