A Bride for Christmas

Free A Bride for Christmas by Marion Lennox

Book: A Bride for Christmas by Marion Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marion Lennox
Tags: Medical
appropriate at this time of the year. I’ll get onto a Sydney florist this afternoon and organise the best.’
    ‘What about me?’ Kylie whispered. ‘And the men?’
    ‘Gangster-style suits and hats,’ Guy decreed. ‘We’ll hire them from Sydney or fly them from New York. What do you think?’
    ‘Gangsters?’ Kylie said, the beginnings of anticipation curving the sides of her mouth into a smile. ‘Hats and braces and white shoes?’
    ‘You’ve got it.’
    ‘Daryl will love it.’
    Guy smiled. ‘Great. And you…’ He looked at Kylie for a long minute while Jenny watched in dumbfounded silence. ‘Kylie, let’s not try to disguise your pregnancy. Let’s be proud of it. I’m thinking pure white shot silk—Jenny, can we get shot silk?’
    ‘Sure,’ Jenny said, dazed.
    ‘A really simple dress,’ Guy said. ‘Shoestring straps and a low sweetheart neckline that accentuates those gorgeous breasts.’ Kylie started to blush, but he wasn’t distracted. He’d grabbed the pad beside the phone and was sketching. ‘Like this. Practically bare to the breasts. Softly curving into your waist, accentuating the swell of pregnancy, curving in again, and then falling with a side slit from your thigh to your ankles. I bet you have great legs.’
    Kylie was staring at the sketch, entranced. ‘Daryl says…’ She subsided. ‘Yeah,’ she whispered. ‘My legs are…okay.’ The sketch was growing under Guy’s hands and she couldn’t stop watching. ‘Wow. That even looks like me. What are you doing to my hair?’
    ‘Piling it up in a thousand tiny curls on top of your head,’ he said. ‘The simplicity of your bridesmaids’ hair will accentuate yours. We’ll thread the same crimson and green though your hair—just a little. You’ll carry a tiny bouquet of fern and crimson rosebuds. And if you want…’
    ‘Wh-What?’ she stammered.
    ‘We’ll thread tiny silver imitation pistols through the ribbon of your bouquet. You’re a gangster’s moll. This is a shotgun wedding and you’ve got your man.’
    Kylie stared. Jenny stared. Then, as one, they burst out laughing.
    ‘My mum will hate it,’ Kylie said when she finally recovered.
    ‘It’s a Carver Wedding. Take it or leave it.’
    ‘Oh, I’ll take it,’ Kylie whispered, smiling now through the beginning of unshed tears. ‘Yes, please.’
    ‘You’re a magician.’ Kylie had left them to spread her news. Guy was left with Jenny, who was staring at him as if he’d grown two heads.
    ‘I’m no magician,’ he said, but he was aware of a tinge of pleasure. It was a pleasure he hadn’t felt for a long time. And…was there also a tinge of excitement? He wanted to do this well, he thought, and when he tried to figure out why he knew that it had little to do with the reputation of the Carver empire. It was all to do with making Jenny smile.
    And he had made her smile. She was definitely smiling.
    ‘I need to organise cars,’ he said, trying to move on.
    ‘There are limousines booked.’
    ‘Limousines won’t do. Transfer that booking to Anna’s, if you can. For Kylie we need to get Buicks, or something similar. We’ll take the theme right through.’
    ‘We’ll never get them locally.’
    ‘I’ll try Sydney.’
    ‘Kylie can’t afford—’
    ‘We’ll cover the cost ourselves,’ he said. ‘As the first Australian Carver Wedding, it’ll more than pay for itself in publicity. As for dress, we’ve done gangster-type weddings in my other salons, so gear shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll fly in costumes for the waiting staff.’ He paused. ‘I assume you have staff booked?’
    ‘Of course I have staff booked,’ she said, incensed. ‘This wedding is planned down to the last pew ribbon.’
    ‘We’ll use some of those resources for the Anna and Barret wedding. We’ll design the wedding for Kylie from scratch, and use the basis of Kylie’s for Anna’s. It’ll work. I’ll need to paint sets for the gangster setting. I’ll see if we

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