The Cowboy Takes a Bride

Free The Cowboy Takes a Bride by Debra Clopton

Book: The Cowboy Takes a Bride by Debra Clopton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Clopton
she would not give up.
    She’d finally gone to sleep the night before determined to keep believing that she was supposed to be in Mule Hollow. But she would be lying if she claimed that all the adversity she was meeting wasn’t pulling her down. Ross Denton was number one on that list. Did that stop her silly eyes from seeking him out as she took a seat in a pew near the back of the church? Oh no, it did not. She could see his profile quite clearly. And what did she see?
    The lump on his forehead!
    It probably wasn’t big enough for anyone else to notice, but because she knew it was there, she saw it clearly, even from a distance. Unwanted guilt settled on her and she looked away.
    She was glad when a pretty brunette with a warm smile asked to sit beside her.
    â€œOh, please do.” She scooted down the pew, so grateful for the distraction that she could have hugged the woman.
    â€œThanks. I’m Molly Jacobs. You must be Sugar,” she said, sinking onto the seat and holding out her hand.
    â€œI am!” Sugar exclaimed, instantly excited. “You are just the person I’ve been hoping to meet.”
    Molly chuckled. “Well, that makes two of us. I would have looked you up sooner, but I was out of town on a story. We have a lot to talk about, don’t we?” she whispered, leaning in as Adela started playing the piano. “How about lunch at my house after church? I’d love to visit with you and learn all about this production I hear you want to start.”
    â€œI would love that!” Sugar’s heart lifted. It was as if God had once again given her encouragement just when she needed it. He might not be making her dreams come true easily, but she knew He was on her side. And if God was on her side, then anything was possible… anything!
    Like the fact that Bob, Molly’s husband, really did sing like Tim McGraw. When the guy stepped out of the choir and began singing, Sugar noticed right away that he had a voice very similar to the country-music superstar’s. Not only that, but he was backed up by a choir made up predominantly of cowboys who’d turned her down the night before. To her surprise, they had greeted her this morning with warm apologies, leaving her hoping that they might be able to work something out, after all. Her heart’s hopes were renewed once more as she sat in the pew and listened to the music. Mule Hollow had talent.
    Maybe Norma Sue was right. Sugar just needed a show where she was the central star, with only a few cast members that could be rotated in and out. Cowboy singing during the intermission and before the show would also be rotated. She was so excited about the renewed fire burning inside of her that she pretty much smiled through the entire service.
    By the time she got home later that afternoon, the voice of doubt had been pushed far, far away. She and Molly had clicked instantly. The spirited reporter loved her idea of producing a show, and had promised to help all she could. She planned to start mentioning Sugar’s idea in her column the very next week, even though Sugar didn’t have anything completely pinned down.
    Bob had promised to help, too, if she could come up with a rotating schedule, as she’d proposed. The handsome, completely-in-love cowboy had suggested a romance, since that was what Mule Hollow was all about, and to inspire her, he’d picked up his guitar and sung a love song to Molly. It was the most romantic thing Sugar had ever witnessed, and in spite of herself, she was inspired by the couple’s relationship.
    Molly had dreamed of being a journalist on foreign soil before she’d met Bob. That unsettled Sugar a bit, though their connection was undeniable. Both Haley and Molly had forfeited exciting careers for love. And while Sugar had a problem with women sacrificing their dreams for love, she couldn’t deny that they both looked blissfully happy.
    Still, Sugar couldn’t

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