Sad Love

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Book: Sad Love by Mj Fields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mj Fields
table and Tessa giggled, “I really am sorry about all this.”
    “All of what, Baby?”
    “All this ass kicking you’re going to get,” Tessa smiled , looking at her scrabble pieces.
    “Oh Baby, you know I love you right?”
    “You better,” Tessa smirked at him.
    “You go first,” he pointed to the board.
    Tessa laid down her first word.
    “Baby what kind of word is that?” Lucas laughed .
    “Urination is a word Lucas,” Tessa raised her eyebrows and he laughed.
    After an hour Lucas was behind. Tessa was killing him, her words Buggery was one he objected to until she showed him in the dictionary what it meant and his dirty little mind shown through his deep dark green eyes.
    “Not going to happen,” Tessa smacked him in his shoulder.
    “Baby, I thought you were a good girl,” Lucas laughed as he looked at the board.
    Smegma, copulate, anus, asshole, fellate, fellated, fellatio all Tessa’s words.
    “I am a good girl Lucas. I just kicked your ass too,” Tessa laughed.
    “Nah, I got one more,” he grinned.
    “C. U. N…” Lucas laughed loudly when she cleared the board.
    “That’s a nasty nasty word Lucas,” Tessa laughed.
    “I like this game,” he chuckled.
    “Dirty scrabble champ,” Tessa raised her hands in the air victoriously as he clapped and whistled.
    “Baby, we can’t play that again for awhile.”
    They spent the next four days together, talking and still playing scrabble and other games when he got too worked up.
    Lucas was going to work with Ryan for the next two weeks before classes began. She had signed up for classes and was going to take a C N A class so that she could work. Lucas was not happy about her decision to work but understood there was no fighting with her about it. They planned to go to Mexico in the summer and had decided to go visit Troy on spring break. They went to the doctors together, and everything looked fine. She decided the birth control shot was her best option and Lucas thought that was not a good idea. He wanted to try again, but she convinced him that they should wait until he was done with school. He agreed but only if they could get married in the winter before his last semester of school and that she go off of birth control then.
    He agreed…for now.

    On Valentine's Day, she woke him. It had been six weeks, and she wanted him almost as much as he wanted her. The beauty of the shot was that she wouldn’t get her period only once every three months. His eyes opened when he felt her under the covers.
    “Good morning Tess a, get up here,” he pulled her up towards him.
    “I’m not done with you,” she laughed.
    He kissed her and they slowly began exploring each other. She was scared, and he was very gentle. It didn’t hurt like she was afraid it would. It felt great.
    He had classes until two and wanted to go out to dinner that night. When he got home she met him at the door in a deep red outfit and had made a picnic.
    "I thought we were going out," he handed her flowers, yellow roses and white daisies.
    “I thought we should stay in.”
    “Are you su re you’re up to this?”
    She laughed, “Yes , I am.”
    “Good,” he lifted her up.
    When they were finished Tessa went to the bathroom. Lucas ran downstairs to get a drink, and her phone rang on the counter He answered it.
    “Hello Lucas, it’s Ben.”
    “Okay -- what’s up,” Lucas asked.
    “Well Tessa messaged me earlier to tell me that what happened. I wanted to know that she was alright and to tell you both that I was sorry.”
    Tessa came downstairs in one of his t-shirts.
    “Thanks, here she is,” he handed the phone to her.
    “Who is it?” she asked.
    “Your friend ,” he said coldly and walked in the other room.
    “Hello?” she said not knowing who it was.
    “Hey Tess I just got your message are you alright?” Ben asked.
    “Ya, I’m fine” she her voice cracked. She hadn’t talked to him in a few months. “I just wanted you to know.”

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