Sad Love

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Book: Sad Love by Mj Fields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mj Fields
    "Okay Tessa," she hugged her. “Okay, come with me?”
    “Yes,” Tessa nodded
    Lucas closed his eyes, and Ryan gave him a quick hug, “You okay man?”
    “I’ ll be fine, I just don’t know what to expect out of her.”
    They walked in the living room and Tessa and Jade were on the couch mak ing silly faces at Lukie. Luke smiled at Tessa.
    “He smiled at you, Ryan he smiled,” Jade laughed. “Tessa , that was a first.”
    “He proba bly has gas Jade.”
    “Oh right, do it again,” Tessa made the same face and noise and he smiled again. “See he loves you, don’t you buddy ? You love Auntie Tessa.”
    Lucas watched Tessa look at the baby, and her smile wasn’t forced, it was genuine. She loved that little guy. He sat next to her, and she stiffened up. He took a deep breath. She knew she had upset him. She turned and finally looked at him.
    “Luc as, I love you.”
    “I love you,” he hugged her.
    “I ’m getting tired,” she said, “I’m sorry.”
    “They gave you medication that will make you tired, don’t apologize, please,” he said.
    “Okay,” she said. “He is perfect Jade.”
    “You need to go lay down Tessa,” Jade smiled sadly.
    She woke up in bed and went to the bathroom. Gross, she thought.
    She ran down the stairs, and Lucas was sitting at the counter with his hands in his hair. She hugged him from behind, and he jumped,
    “Shit T essa, you scared me,” he reached back rubbed her head.
    “What do you want to do today?” She asked and walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a soda.
    She turned around and saw him giving her a questioning look. She smiled and jumped on his lap.
    “You want to hang out here?” she kissed him.
    “Slow d own,” he rubbed his hand down her cheek.
    “Oh … okay,” she stepped off him.
    “Sit Tessa, we need to talk.”
    Her eyes widened, and she sat down. He grabbed the paperwork and explained everything that she had missed when she tuned out the discharge nurse. The fact that sex was a no go for awhile and that she may need to have a procedure got the biggest reaction.
    “Okay I get it,” she said, “ Lucas can we please get out of here and do something?”
    “What would you like to do?”
    “Something fun, I don ’t want to sit here and be sad. I don’t want you or I to overanalyze what happened or try to tiptoe around each others hurt feelings. It sucks really badly. But I want us to be okay, I love you, and if I can’t have my way with you for awhile, I need to keep busy somehow,” she blushed.
    He smiled, “Your full of it Tessa. You don’t want to go any where, you’re in pain, and you’re sad and you’re just trying to make this better for me.”
    “ Lucas, I am trying to make it better for both of us,” she looked down.
    “Okay I get it, but your body is in the process of miscarrying our child.” He said with hurt in his voice. “The doctor wants you to relax for awhile and then after your doctor says it’s alright then we can go crazy on each other every day for the rest of our lives.”
    “Fine then,” she crossed her arms. “Shall we sit and cry?”
    “If that’s what you want to do,” Lucas hugged her.
    “I want to escape,” she said quietly.
    “We should go get some really stupid movies and a whole bunch of junk food.”
    “You're being such a girl,” she smiled.
    “Am I ?” he picked her up and spun her.
    “Ouch,” she laughed.
    “Oh , sorry baby,” he said gently putting her down.
    “It ’s no big deal,” she laughed.
    “You ready for your medication?”
    “No , I can handle this,” she said. “Can we go buy some board games?”
    “Yo u mean like monopoly?”
    “I w as thinking scrabble.”
    “Tessa -- I will kick your ass,” he laughed.
    “We shall see,” she smirked
    “Okay, I can go,” he said and kissed her, “You stay here and relax.”
    “No, I want to be with you,” she closed her eyes.
    “Alright then,” he smiled.
    They sat at the coffee

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