The Italian Inheritance

Free The Italian Inheritance by Louise Rose-Innes

Book: The Italian Inheritance by Louise Rose-Innes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louise Rose-Innes
only a few days in the sun.
    “And you?”
    Rafael nodded, avoiding her gaze. “Your letter . ” He handed her the folded piece of paper from the safety of behind his desk.
    Anna took it, careful not to touch him. The memories of last night’s kiss were too vivid. To feel the warmth of his skin against her own, even accidental , might unleash a desire that she didn’t know whether she was equipped to handle. She was venturing into unknown territory here. Never before had she been so stunned by a mere kiss.
    Previous kisses had been tentative, exploratory at best. A kiss was like a test, she used it to judge how compatible she was with a man. It was always controlled, measured. Never wild and passionate like with Rafael. Kissing him made her feel vulnerable and out of control. She wasn’t sure she liked it. Sometimes feelings were better left in check. It was safer that way.
    “Shall we get down to business?” suggested Rafael, indicating Anna sit in the leather chair opposite him.
    Anna nodded and sat down. With the big mahogany desk between them acting as a barrier the situation seemed under control. Rafael’s businesslike air also intimated that there would be no returning to the dalliances of the night before.
    Anna was relieved. “Sure. Let’s get this over with. I thought I might head down to the beach after this and catch up on some reading.”
    Looking at him sitting stiffly behind his desk, a laptop open in front of him and various files scattered around, the events of last night were feeling more and more surreal.
    “I’ll try my best not to keep you longer than necessary,” drawled Rafael, not without a hint of sarcasm. “After all, it’s only ten million dollars we’re talking about here.”
    As if Anna didn’t know that. “Yes, I was wondering about that,” she remarked casually , causing him to raise an eyebrow. “What happens if Giovanni’s heir is never found?”
    “Are you admitting you’re not Giovanni’s heir?” Rafael looked at her quizzically.
    “Crumbs, you’re suspicious. No, I’m just asking, hypothetically-speaking. What happens to the money if the heir is not found?”
    Rafael blinked. “It remains in a trust.”
    “Run by you?”
    “That’s right.”
    “ So you would be the sole beneficiary too, right?”
    “What are you implying?” he said sharply, eyes boring into her.
    Anna was not deterred. The thought had been plaguing her since yesterday morning. She may as well get it off her chest and out into the open. “Well, it struck me that it might be in your best interests not to find Giovanni’s daughter. You’d be quite a bit richer if she were never found, wouldn’t you?” She paused. “ Hypothetically -speaking, of course.”
    “I don’t need Giovanni’s illegitimate daughter’s inheritance, for your information.”
    “Is that becau se you get the money if you don’t find his heir ?” The question hung in the air like a poisoned arrow.
    Eventually Rafael said, “That is none of your business. Like I said before, I don’t need Giovanni’s money. I haven’t done too badly on my own. ”
    Anna’s gaze dropped to the Rolex. “But it’s true, isn’t it? Giovanni left the other half to you. I bet you would have got ten it all too, if I hadn’t come along.”
    “Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not in the clear yet.”
    “Will I ever be?” she asked, eyebrows raised. “ Ten million dollars is a lot of money.”
    “I don’t like what you’re insinuating,” snapped Rafael, leaning forward in his chair and glaring at her. “It’s my job to vet every person th at claims to be Giovanni’s heir, however unlikely that person may seem. ”
    “Or likely, as in my case.”
    Rafael shrugged. “That remains to be seen.”
    “And when my details check out, then what are you going to do? Because they will, you know. I am who I claim to be. I’m not a fraud like those other women. I’m not here under false pretences to steal Giovanni’s

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