Pet From Hell (Infected Series Book 1)

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Book: Pet From Hell (Infected Series Book 1) by Justin Gowland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justin Gowland
his head against the fence. He must have been a doctor or something because he had those green pyjamas on but the top hung from him in shreds and from what you could see underneath didn’t leave much to the imagination. His intestines hung out between the rips and his legs were coated with blood and gore. Again like all the other infected his eye and ears ran with the same green slime I had seen on all the others. Placing the cross hairs on his forehead I took a deep breath and as I exhaled I slowly squeezed the trigger. Now I had shot rifles before and had fired a shotgun since leaving the army and I was well aware of the sound but I forgot about the recoil and I nearly dropped the rifle to the floor.
    Chris screamed at me “Make safe that weapon now!”
    Flicking the safety I released the magazine and pulled the charging handle back to eject the round that was in the breach. When he was satisfied that the rifle was safe, Chris looked me in the eyes and just grinned at me.
    “Now that you’re not going to blow your foot off or kill either myself or Jay. Have a look through the scope at your target and tell me what you see.” He said.
    Looking for the man I had shot at I found him climbing to his feet and started to bash against the fence with more determination. The only difference was the hole in his chest just below his neck.
    “Shit I was aiming for his head. I must have pulled the shot when I flinched.” I said feeling disappointed.
    “Nope you did nothing wrong, I mean yeah you did flinch but I gather it’s been a while since you last fired a weapon, am I right?” He answered.
    I nodded, but still felt a little bad about the shot.
    He continued “Look you only forgot to take one thing into consideration when you fired and that was the drop. You remember from your training that a bullet will start to drop as soon as it leaves the barrel even more so when you are firing from up high to target below you. Just remember that for the next couple of shots.”
    The next hour or so we fine-tuned my shooting till I was hitting every other target and if I missed on the first shot I would get them with the second. When I had fired off a total of two magazines of ammo Chris called an end to the shooting and we went over to where the sleeping bags lay and set up for the night. Jay had started to boil some water on a small hexi burner and we sat and talked about what we should do next. After all living and sleeping on the roof for the last few days Chris and Jay were getting tired of not having a roof over their heads.
    “Chris this roof is going to start getting to cold to sleep in our bags soon.” Jay said.
    “I’ve been trying to think of somewhere to go that’s just as secure and will give us walls and a roof mate.” Chris replied.
    I sat watching them and an idea screamed in my head.
    “Can I ask do either of you guys know if there are any army bunkers or something like that near here?” I asked.
    Chris looked at me for a few seconds before laughing. Jay just looked puzzled at the reaction. It took a few minutes before Chris could get himself under control.
    “You know I had forgotten about them. There is a large one on the other side of York. It was built for the senior army staff in case there was either a biological or nuclear attack.” Chris said with a grin on his face.
    “How the fuck did you know about that Chris?” Jay asked.
    “Well I did a small stint as security for the General here at Catterick and it was part of the security brief we got. I know that the General didn’t get away from here to the shelter. So it might stand to reason no one did.”
    “How do you now that the General is dead?” I asked looking a little bewildered.
    “Well he’s down stairs with a bullet in his head.” He said looking down.
    Standing I looked away from the small light cast by the hexi burner and looked at the stars. It was a fair distance from Catterick to York and I needed Chris to give me more information

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