Pet From Hell (Infected Series Book 1)

Free Pet From Hell (Infected Series Book 1) by Justin Gowland

Book: Pet From Hell (Infected Series Book 1) by Justin Gowland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justin Gowland
only me and Jay left and the bodies you saw lying downstairs are the rest of it. Our mate got bit and didn’t tell anyone and when he died he started to attack the rest of us. Jay and I were up here on lookout when it happened and we were lucky to find out those things can’t climb for shit. So you know how we got here and we know a little about you but what made you want to hide out at your friend’s house?”
    I looked round at Chris and Jay and thought that if I was going to survive then I needed to start trusting people. So I called Jay over and asked them both to have a seat and sat on the roof cross legged and told them everything that had happened from finding Tony in the lab up to coming to Catterick looking for the army.
    Jay shot on to his feet and started toward me with hatred in his eyes before Chris managed to clamp one of his large hands on his friends arm.
    “Jay calm down.” Chris said.
    “Calm down, fucking calm down. How can I calm down knowing that this is the fuck that started all this.” He said through gritted teeth.
    “I didn’t…” I started.
    “Marc give me a second to talk to him will you and please keep your gob shut.” Chris said looking me in the eyes.
    I lowered my head and listened as Chris went on to tell Jay that from what I had said it wasn’t my fault all this was happening but actually Dr Jacksons’ and that the only thing that was my fault was going to my friends aid and opening the door to the lab.
    Slowly Jay started to calm down but I could still see by his eyes that he blamed me and to tell you the truth in the back of my mind so did I. Standing up Jay stomped off on a circuit of the roof and every now and then spat over the side and muttered to himself.
    “Look he doesn’t mean anything by it, it’s just that he tried to call his parents before the shit really hit the fan and he couldn’t get through. I’m lucky, I don’t have anybody left to call not even a girlfriend.” Chris said.
    “Same here my parents died a while back and I never had any other close family.” I said.
    “So seeing as you were at ground zero, do you have any information on these things?” He asked.
    “Not really, I know that they are dead and that the only way to kill them is head trauma. The one thing that I have found out is that noise attracts them quickly and that their eyesight is crap. You mentioned that they can’t climb, so that’s something new.” I said.
    “Yeah we found out about the climbing when we were up here and they couldn’t get up the ladder to us. They just milled about at the bottom of it and we managed to just shoot straight down on them. Cleaning up after that was a pain in the arse.” He said with a faraway look in his eyes.
    “What have you been doing for food and water?” I asked.
    “This is the Brigade HQ, it has a small kitchen downstairs with enough food in it.” Jay said from over my shoulder.
    I looked back at him and he said “Look mate I’m sorry for going off on one. It’s just been one nightmare after another since this all started. I don’t blame you, I just needed to vent off at someone and if what you are telling us is true then you worked for the bastards that caused it all.”
    “It’s ok, I blame myself for it all. If I had left that goddam door closed and not went to check on Tony then maybe a lot of people would still be alive.” I said.
    Jay just shrugged his shoulders and continued walking past Chris and me. I had a feeling that even though he said he didn’t blame me for everything, in some way he still did.
    “Look I am going to get a little shut eye.” Chris mumbled and walked over to a pile of sleeping bags and rucksacks stacked against another skylight.
    Pulling my bag off my back I pulled out the sleeping bag then my cooking gear and a couple of tin cans of soup. Setting everything up and cooking the soup must have taken me about ten minutes, by that time I could hear snores coming from the large sleeping bag that

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