
Free Lilly by Angela Conrad

Book: Lilly by Angela Conrad Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Conrad
at both their faces and cringed.  She’d never seen a man angry, let alone this display of masculine fury.  Her father never delivered a cross word, the sight of two males circling each other brought terror into her heart.
    She rushed in-between them and grabbed Reece’s hand.
    “Don’t hurt him ,” she pleaded.  “He is just concerned for me.”
    Reece tried to shake her off and get to his brother, but her tenacious hold clung to him.
    “I promise d to marry you Reece.  I promise I’ll be there,” Lilly shouted, afraid of him for the first time.
    He looked at her and saw she was terrified and brave to get close to his rage.   He stopped and tried to control his breathing.
    “Hurt her and I’ll beat you!” Robert shouted, adding fuel to the fire.
    “I’m not going to hurt her!” Reece shouted back.  “It’s you I want to kill.”
    “Stop it both of you,” Lilly cried.  “Now, Robert I appreciate your concern, but I agreed to marry Reece and I will tomorrow, so go back to Hillside Park.”
    She changed her look and made her voice sterner as she added, “I won’t see you again until the wedding.  You understand me?”
    Yes, Robert understood.  He couldn’t blame her.  Lilly didn’t know him, why should she trust him?  At least Reece was a known commodity.
    “All right, but I want Reece’s word on something,” Robert conceded.
    “I don’t know if you’re in a position to be asking favors,” Reece mocked.
    Lilly did a surprising action.  She let go of Reece’s hand and moved even closer to him.  She wrapping one arm around his waist and leaned into him.  He felt it like a blanket of heat and itched to hold her against him.  It worked like a spell, for he released his anger and hugged her to him.
    Robert looked at them joined together and re signed himself to the fact he would not be having Lady Castleford.
    “One thing.  You cannot mean to leave Lilly alone in the country her entire life.  You must take her to town,” Robert demanded.
    “Yes, please Reece,” Lilly added.  “I’ve never been to London and I don’t want to be so isolated.  I don’t have to live in your townhouse and bother you and your parties.  You could buy me a small house, or rent one like you do for your other ladies, and I will stay out of your way.”
    The things she said.  Reece couldn’t believe what she thought of him.   He had a lot of work to do if he wanted to win Lilly.
    “Please Reece before we are married, just promise me that.  I’ll never complain about your other women or your choices.  Instead of jewelry and clothing I’ll have no use for, just give me a little place in London,” Lilly said, surprising herself, and she wondered, why do I want to be in town and near him?
    “I thought you liked the country?” Reece asked, surprised and suspicious.
    “I did as a girl, but my father is no company and my aunts are going back to London to live after the wedding.  No one will be at Hillside Park but me.  Give me three months and let me prove I can stay out of your way.  If I bother you, then you can send me back here.”
    If she bothered him?   Reece knew she would bother him.  If Lilly was in London, he would go mad wanting to see her, be with her; make love to her.  His life would change forever and he would not be his own man ever again.  If he chose another mistress, even danced with other women, Lilly would know.  He would always fear losing her by way of the gossip’s tongues.  Having his wife in town would restrain him.  What of the freedom and independence he prized so highly?  Still angry, he shouted.
    “ I’ll agree, only if you’re on the other side of town.  Promise you won’t go to balls or parties I attend.  I don’t want you anywhere near me, don’t go where I can see you,” Reece thundered, anger choosing his words.
    Oh, how that hurt.  Lilly could not believe the knife wound she felt through her heart at his terms.  Now she understood the full

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