Always A Bride

Free Always A Bride by Darlene Henderson

Book: Always A Bride by Darlene Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Henderson
Chapter One
    “ Alex, hurry up. Everyone is waiting on you,” Frank said as he positioned the train. In the mirror, Frank flicked his wrists and the train billowed out behind her, falling perfectly to the floor.
    Alex picked up her bouquet and checked her hair and make-up. She touched the antique pendant to make sure it hung in just the right place. She had to be certain nothing was out of order. She was the bride, after all. After a long look in the mirror, at the yards and yards of white taffeta and lace, she was satisfied everything was perfect. She lowered the veil and breathed deep.
    As Alex walked into the room, every head turned toward her, every eye followed as she carefully paced each step. The ''Ooos" and "Ahhhs" of the guests filled the air.
    After all, how many times does a girl get to walk down the aisle in a designer wedding gown?
    Alex fought off the fit of giggles that almost broke her composure.
    On a good week , only ten or twelve times .
    Alex loved her job . Being the bride at a bridal fair was one of her favorite assignments, but she also did other things. She modeled for magazines and newspaper ads. She appeared in commercials and even worked as an extra in several movies. But bridal expos were the best.
    She reached the end of the runway where she met the “groom.” Sam was her usual. They worked the circuit together and people liked the look of them as a pair.
    Alex was totally unprepared when she scanned the crowd and saw her high school sweetheart Harvey Mitchell standing among a throng of women .
    But if he's here that must mean he's…engaged.
    Her heart sank. Molly stood by his side, holding his arm. There was something so intimate about the way Molly touched him, Alex's stomach clenched. She was going to be sick.
    Molly had her eye on Harvey in high school. Of course she’d go after him once I left town.
    Sam tugged on Alex’s arm and she relented and followed him up the runway and back into the dressing room.
    “ What's up, honey?” Sam asked as soon as they were out of sight of the crowd. “You looked like you saw a ghost.”
    “ I did. The ghost of boyfriends past. Harvey was my high school sweetheart. I left to pursue modeling the summer after we graduated and he started college. We were both so busy. I always thought things would settle down and we'd be the perfect couple again, but it never happened. We did see each other whenever we could and those times were great. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough. We couldn’t maintain a close connection while we were both so focused on our careers. We clearly didn’t put enough effort into our relationship.”
    “ Which one was he? Is he here with someone?” Sam put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Keep talking. I want the whole scoop. We've got to get you in your next gown, though.” Sam moved his hand from her shoulder and tugged at the zipper of her dress.
    “ Harvey is the tall, gorgeous guy. Perfect hair and the broadest shoulders in the room. The one who smiled at me,” Alex gushed.
    “ They all smile at you, honey. Do you mean the one on the right side of the runway who pushed closer to the stage when you came out?”
    “ Did he really?” Alex stepped out of her dress. Not knowing who would be there when she changed, she always wore granny panties and a sensible bra. It had taken a while for her to get used to changing backstage in a room full of people, especially Sam. He was gay, but she was a good southern girl and nice girls didn't undress in front of boys. “He must be engaged. I couldn't get him to come to any of the bridal fairs I worked during the early days.”
    “ So who's he with? Someone you know? Do we hate her?”
    “ Alex, hurry up. You're back on in two minutes.” Frank, the show coordinator and Sam's boyfriend, pointed at her.
    “ Keep your pants on, honey. We're getting ready. Alex is in the middle of a crisis,” Sam hissed.
    Alex didn't miss a beat. She went on with her story

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