Wolf Fever (Alpha Project - Book 1)

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Book: Wolf Fever (Alpha Project - Book 1) by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
visualized caressing her full hips while rubbing his face in her pussy, licking her into orgasm.
    But he knew Raine hadn’t been born a shifter. She had no idea that his fate was already in her hands. Not only was it his wolf that wanted hers, but the woman intrigued him. She was handling something that would have made a grown man freak out with such strength. He was more than impressed. Her aggression turned him on, but the softer side he saw was what really caught his attention. He wanted to hold her. Protect her.
    He was about to lift a fist to knock on the door when he heard her speak. That voice of hers could tempt a saint into sinning. Husky. Low. Pure decadence. Luckily, he was no saint.
    “Mandy? No, I’m fine.”
    Thanks to his enhanced hearing, he also heard her friend at the other end of the line.
    “What did you do, Raine?” Mandy sounded frantic. “Where are you?”
    “I went to look for…” He heard her low inhale. Followed by an almost inaudible whimper. “I went to look for Ryder.”
    “Are you insane?” Even from a distance, Mandy’s squeak hurt his eardrum. He winced and took a step back.
    “I told you I need him.” Raine’s voice was soft by steely.
    “Why? What could he possibly do for you? They’re dangerous, Raine. You don’t know what you’re getting into.”
    She sighed. He could almost hear her exhaustion dragging her down. “I-I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry so much. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
    “Wait! Are you okay?” Mandy’s worry reduced some of his tension. She was concerned for her friend. Wanted her safe.
    “I’m fine. Really, don’t worry. Bye.”
    He stood there. Waiting. Knowing she was aware he was outside the door.
    A heartbeat later, she padded to the door and opened it. Her brown hair hung in half-dried clumps. She wore a white bathrobe he knew she’d found in his guestroom.
    She licked her lips. Inhaled loud. Desire sparkled in her eyes. “Do you want to come in?”
    That was the best question he’d ever been asked. But he knew she was allowing her need to guide her actions. He had to fight the wolf that wanted to pick her up and take her then and there.
    Time to get away from her before she ended up with her back against the wall. He shoved the clothes into her hands. “I-I think this should work to help you sleep.”
    The dominant wolf howled inside, angry that he wasn’t fucking her, or at the very least stripping off the bathrobe.
    “Have a good night.”
    Calling himself all kinds of fool, he turned on his heel—which was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life—and wanted to kick his own ass. He was going to end up with blue balls because of his stupid need to give her time. Fucking hell. His cock was going to suffer all night. But he didn’t want to push her when she’d been unsure about coming home with him. She was a new shifter for crying out loud. She hadn’t even done her first shift yet. If he took her, and goddamn it all to hell he wanted to, he’d just add to the confusion he saw in her features. The confusion he saw when need wasn’t clouding her brain.
    That last glance into her eyes, and the passion he’d seen there, was going to be what helped him give his body some manual stimulation later on. Though later meant the minute he got to his bedroom and he could remove the annoying jeans to relieve himself.
    He growled, tore off the T-shirt and jeans and headed for his shower. He was wound so tight, his wolf howled with the need to run. Raine. An image of her naked body riding him followed him into the shower. He soaped his hands and began washing himself. Sliding his soapy fingers down to his cock and balls, he hissed and grasped the aching length. Water rained down his head. The cool drops slid over his body in tempting caresses. He jerked into his grip. Harsh groans rushed past his lips with each hard thrust into his fist. The sound of soft steps stopped him mid stroke. He inhaled, clenched his jaw, and reined in the

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