Wolf Fever (Alpha Project - Book 1)

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Book: Wolf Fever (Alpha Project - Book 1) by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
urge to rip open the glass door.
    He watched and waited. Her scent drew closer, until he knew she stood right outside the glass shower door. After what felt like an eternity, it slid open. Raine, naked, and beautiful stepped in.
    “Don’t look at me that way,” he groaned.
    She blinked her eyes wide. “How?”
    Her husky voice increased his need to take her. He growled. “It was hard enough to stay away from you downstairs.”
    Indecision flitted through her eyes, but was soon replaced by determination. “I don’t want to think so hard.” She took a step toward him. “I can’t seem to get you out of my mind.”
    “Raine. You’ve never been driven by the mating instinct before. You’ll adjust.”
    Her gaze slithered down his body to the hand holding his cock. She licked her bottom lip and glanced up at him through lowered lashes. “I don’t know anything about mating instincts, or why I want to devour you whenever you’re near. All I know is that I want you.” She closed the distance between them, traced his jaw with one hand, and cupped his balls with the other. “Now.”
    Air pounded hard in his chest with a savage calling for him to take her. Desire broke his control. He hauled her into his arms and kissed her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, adding a bite of pain that called to his wolf. He squeezed his way down her body and flipped her around to face the wall. She moaned, bent, and placed her hands flat on the slick tile. He licked up her spine until he reached the back of her shoulder, and thrust into her tight body.
    He was beyond control. Beyond slow caresses. The need to possess was too high. Her scent too powerful. The wolf didn’t want to back down. She was his. He fisted her hair and tugged her head to the side, displaying her neck. He pulled out and plunged back into her roughly. Over and over, the sound of skin slapping turned into the music of their mating.
    She gasped. Stance wide, she propelled back into each of his thrust. Almost as if she also couldn’t get enough of him.
    He grazed her shoulder with his teeth. More. Her whimpers for more drove the beast to the edge. Her pussy fluttered over his cock, turning his lust into a blazing inferno. His drives were harsh, untamed. A savagery had taken over him. One he had no power or control over. Each of his moves was driven solely by the need to have her, to come inside her, and mark her as his. His woman. His mate.
    “ Yesss. ”
    Those moans. They pushed him further out of the realm of reality and into the animal side. He gripped her hip hard. Pummeled her with his cock. Every drive in to her sleek, hot sex was like a new perfect moment. He grunted and licked her shoulder. The smooth, golden skin was perfect for him to bite.
    Her soft cries of encouragement ratcheted up his enjoyment until all he wanted was to hear more of them. The urge to bite her grew even stronger. With each thrust into her hot channel, he lost a little more of his hold on the animal.
    He grazed his teeth over her shoulder bend. A slice of lucidity broke through the mating haze. No! “Fuck!”
    It was getting harder to remember why he shouldn’t bite her. She was his. So what that she needed time to adjust. He could still claim her. Take her. Own her body, mind, and soul. But his stupid need to hear her ask him to bite her was stronger than his wolf’s will.
    “More, more, more.” Her moans increased in volume the harder he fucked her.
    He slid the hand on her hips between her thighs and rubbed her swollen little clit.
    “Oh!” She groaned and shook. Her body convulsed. Her pussy gripped his cock tight as she came.
    He ground his cock harder into her, loving the feel of her tight pussy. Tension broke in his spine. Molten bliss shot down his body. He stiffened and jerked, filling her with his cum. Air panted out of his lungs. He pulled out of her and turned her in his arms. Her passion-dazed smile made him want to howl.
    She kissed his jaw,

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