Forever and Almost Always

Free Forever and Almost Always by Amanda Bennett

Book: Forever and Almost Always by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
    “Looks like not too much has changed. How are you, doll?”
    I rolled my eyes as I took a seat across from Rachael. “What do you want?”
    “Well now, that’s not very welcoming. I figured you would be happy to see me.”
    “What in the world would give you that impression?”
    “The way things ended wasn’t okay with me, Dax. You can’t just walk out and say things are over. We should’ve talked about it, worked it out.”
    Rachael was doing her best to bat every fake eyelash at me; while I did everything I could to ignore her skank ass. “Rachael, there wasn’t anything left to work out. I caught you sleeping with one of my buddies. How exactly did you think that would end?”
    “It wasn’t what it looked like, doll.”
    I held my hand up to cut her off, “Look, it’s not going to work. I’m sorry, but I am no longer interested. So please leave my house and never come back.”
    “But baby…”
    “There is no, but baby. Get out of my house and don’t try to get a hold of me ever again. Do you understand me, or should I talk slower?”
    Rachael stood and started making her way over to the front door. I made no move to follow her, and that seemed to piss her off even more.
    “You know, one day you’ll be sorry.”
    “Trust me when I say, no I won’t. Bye.”
    The door slammed behind her, and I sighed. I swear that girl could be so exhausting, and not in a good way. I pushed my fingers back through my barely there hair, and started walking back to my room. I pulled back the blinds to make sure she was actually leaving, when I caught sight of Charlee pulling into her driveway.
    “Shit!” I shouted. I knew exactly what Charlee would think if she saw Rachael leaving right now, and I couldn’t have anything ruining our first date. Before I could decide what to do to diffuse the situation, Rachael took off and Charlee was none the wiser. I shook my head at the almost catastrophe that could’ve happened, and finished getting ready. I ran some gel through my hair and ran out to the kitchen to check the time.
    “Shit!” I was already ten minutes late. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone as I ran out the front door, not stopping to lock the door behind me. I almost tripped over my own feet when I caught sight of the gorgeous blond, waiting for me at the end of my driveway. She looked breath taking. Her hair was styled straight and it cascaded partly down her back and over one shoulder, concealing one breast. She had on a pair of tight jeans and a tight black top, that showed just enough of her toned, tan stomach to make my dick twitch.
    When my eyes finally made it back up to her face, I noticed she had on a bit more makeup than usual, but still just enough to still look natural. She was gorgeous, and as she stuck out her tongue to wet her lips, I knew I was going to have a hard time concentrating on anything other than wanting to explore every inch of that smooth skin that sat underneath all of those clothes.
    “You look, amazing.” I half whispered.
    “Thank you.” Her voice was hesitant.
    “You ready?” I held out my hand for her to take it, and she instantly slid her fingers through mine. The sheer connection of our skin had my heart racing. I walked her over to the passenger side of the truck and helped her in. When she was safely inside, I closed the door, and ran around the front of the truck.
    When I got in the drivers seat, I glanced over at Charlee to make sure she was comfortable, when I noticed a strange look on her face. “Sorry, it’s not my truck. I borrowed it from my friend at work. See, I had a motorcycle and then I wrecked-.” Her hand came down softly on my thigh.
    “Dax, that’s not what the look was for. I don’t mind that it’s not your truck. And, you don’t have to explain anything to me if you don’t want to. The look was because of the song that is playing.”
    I reached for the button to change the station, but her hand that was just on my leg was now

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